TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

Article 6 Overholding Charge 6.1) In the event the Storage Service is not renewed, Customer shall request Withdrawal of all Customer's Inventory from Storage before the end of the Storage Service and upon sufficient notice to TransGas to permit Withdrawal of Customer's Inventory in accordance with these Service Specifications on or before the Expiry Dates of the Storage Service. If, at the end of the Storage Service, Customer's Inventory has not been Withdrawn and Customer has not renewed the Storage Service, Customer's Inventory shall be subject to the Overholding Charge, which is equal to the daily equivalent of the Monthly Overholding Charge Rate specified in the Tariff and the Rates and Charges Schedule. The Overholding Charge will be calculated by taking the daily equivalent rate times Customer's daily Inventory, and such Overholding Charge shall be payable in respect of each Month that the Customer's Inventory or any part thereof remains in Storage and the Service is not renewed. Furthermore, at any time after the end of the Storage Service, TransGas, at its discretion, may move Customer’s total remaining Inventory to Customer’s own Shipper’s Imbalance Account at TEP. Such movement of Gas will be subject to the Excess Withdrawal Charge as specified in the Tariff and the Rates and Charges Schedule. Nothing in this Clause shall relieve Customer from the obligation to request Withdrawal of such remaining Customer's Inventory promptly and the payment of the Overholding Charge shall not in any way be construed to entitle Customer to make further Injections of Gas into Storage after the end of the Storage Service or extend the term of the Storage Service in any way. In addition, Customer shall indemnify TransGas against all liability, which TransGas might incur to any third party by virtue of the fact that it is unable to meet its obligations to make available to such third party that portion of Storage, which is so occupied by Customer's Inventory. The Overholding Charge shall not be payable in respect of Gas that Customer could not reasonably have Withdrawn prior to the end of the Storage Service due solely to the breach by TransGas of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions or a Force Majeure event in favor of TransGas or a preemptive Withdrawal of Gas from Storage to Heating Load Customers as contemplated in Article 3. TransGas shall only be obligated to Withdraw Gas on a reasonable effort basis after the expiration of the Storage Service.

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Service Specifications 3.3 Storage

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