TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

Article 12 Taxes 12.1) Taxes, rates, assessments or similar charges, other than income, capital, property and place of business taxes of TransGas (herein collectively called "taxes") hereafter imposed by any governmental authority having jurisdiction with respect to any matter contemplated herein, including, without limitation, with respect to: (a) any charge or amount paid or payable by Customer to TransGas; (b) the Gas stored from time to time in Storage; (c) any improvements to the Storage Facility, which are made by or for Customer, with Customer's consent, shall be the responsibility of Customer and with the exception of subclause12.1(c), the other Customers of TransGas availing themselves of Storage Services. Customer shall pay TransGas within thirty (30) Days after the date of a written request from TransGas an amount equal to the sum of such taxes of its proportionate share thereof calculated in a manner to be determined by TransGas, acting reasonably, based on the nature of such taxes. 12.2) Notwithstanding clause 12.1, any provincial or federal sales, use or like tax that is payable in respect of the Storage Service provided under the Service shall be paid by Customer as invoiced by TransGas. Article 13 General 13.1) The terms and conditions of the Service Specifications for Storage Service; the General Business Policies; the Nomination Procedures; Tariff Rates and Charges Schedules; and the General Terms and Conditions, are by this reference incorporated into and made a part of these Storage Service Specification Terms and Conditions. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the terms and conditions hereof shall be subject to the terms and conditions contained in the Tariff Rates and Charges Schedules, the General Business Policies, and the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions, to the extent that there is no conflict. In the event that there is a conflict between the provisions herein and those referenced, TransGas and Customer agree that the provisions herein shall prevail. In the event that there is a conflict between the provisions of the TransGas Contract and those referenced, TransGas and Customer agree that the TransGas Contract shall prevail.

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Service Specifications 3.3 Storage

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