TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

3.4 Common Stream Operations A) CSO Service Specification I. Definitions

The uppercase terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to the corresponding terms in the Definitions section of the Tariff, unless otherwise defined herein. II. Description of Service Subject to the terms and conditions applicable to Common Stream Operations, the Service herein provides Customers the ability to deliver their Gas into the Gas Transmission System in a common stream. Both the Customers transporting Gas from the Point of Receipt and the Common Stream Operator are obligated to abide by the Common Stream Operations terms and conditions, as applicable, which incorporate the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff. III. Service Availability This Service is available on the condition that Customers, who are delivering their Gas in a common stream, execute a TransGas Service Agreement and a TransGas Contract, and that the Common Stream Operator executes a TransGas Service Agreement and a TransGas Contract. IV. Nomination Procedures Customers are required to comply with the Nomination Procedures set out in the Tariff, and in addition, both the Customer transporting Gas from the Point of Receipt and the Common Stream Operator are required to comply with the Common Stream Operations Terms and Conditions with respect to Nominations and Allocations of Gas. V. Term of Common Stream Operations The term of the Common Stream Operations shall continue from the Effective Date, until such time that it is terminated in accordance with the provisions of the Common Stream Operations terms and conditions. VI. General Terms and Conditions The General Terms and Conditions of the Tariff and the provisions of any TransGas Contract for Common Stream Operations Service are applicable to this Service Specification to the extent that such General Terms and Conditions and provisions are not inconsistent with this Service Specification. VII. Service Specification Terms and Conditions (attached) In addition to the requirements of Clause 6 herein, a Customer receiving Common Stream Operations Service is required to comply with the attached terms and conditions applicable to Common Stream Operations.

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Service Specifications 3.4 Common Stream Operations

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