TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

Article 1 Common Stream Operations 1.1) Subject to these terms and conditions of this Service Specification and the Tariff, TransGas will offer a Common Stream Operations Service enabling Common Stream Operators to provide confirmation of Nominations and the Allocation of Gas in accordance with the terms, conditions and provisions of this Service Specification and the Tariff. Article 2 Definitions 2.1) The uppercase terms used herein shall have the same meanings as are ascribed to the corresponding terms in the Definitions section of the Tariff, unless otherwise defined herein. Article 3 Nominations 3.1) Customer shall be required to comply with the provisions of the Nomination Procedure set out in the Tariff, as it applies to common stream Gas Nominations. 3.2) TransGas shall provide the Common Stream Operator, by 11:30 hours Sask Time and 16:00 hours Sask Time each Day, with a summary of the Nominations specific to Common Stream Operator’s Point of Receipt and any revisions thereto. 3.3) Common Stream Operator shall notify TransGas if on any given Day there will be insufficient production to meet the cumulative daily Nominations specific to Common Stream Operator’s Point of Receipt, as well as, which individual Nomination the Common Stream Operator would plan not to meet during that Day. Article 4 Term 4.1) Subject to the Service Specification this Service shall be effective from the Effective Date of the TransGas Contract, and shall continue in force and effect thereafter, subject to the provisions of Article 8. Article 5 General Covenants 5.1) The Customer’s(s) flowing Gas at the Point of Receipt and the CSO acknowledge and agree that the Gas to be delivered under the TransGas Contract will be received at the Point of Receipt in a common stream. Notwithstanding this fact, Customer(s) agrees that all of the provisions of the Receipt Transportation Services shall apply to the Gas being received at the Point of Receipt as if all such Gas was the Customer(s)'s, except for the provisions of the Service relating to quantity of Gas received at the Point of Receipt, which provisions shall take into account the Customer(s)'s Allocations of Gas determined pursuant to Article 6 (Allocation of Gas) of these Terms and Conditions. 5.2) CSO shall attempt to produce on any Day, an amount of Gas equal to the total amount of Gas Nominated and agreed to for that Day as outlined in Clause 3.2.

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Service Specifications 3.4 Common Stream Operations

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