TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

-T- Tariff: means this published TransGas Comprehensive Tariff, including, but not limited to, the Rates and Charges Schedules, the General Terms and Conditions, the Service Specifications, Procedures, TransGas Service Agreement, Schedules of Service, and the General Business Policies, under which Service will be supplied to a Customer. The Tariff is subject to amendment as set out in the General Terms and Conditions. TEP: means the TransGas Energy Pool. TEP Service: means the Service provided under the TransGas Service Agreement and as outlined in the TransGas Energy Pool Service Specification. TGL: means TransGas Limited. Thousand Cubic Metres or 10 3 m 3 : means one thousand (1,000) Cubic Metres of Gas. Title Transfer: means the transfer of ownership of Gas by movement in TEP from one Shipper’s Imbalance Account to another Shipper’s Imbalance Account, as outlined in the Tariff. Transfer of Contract Demand: means the ability of a Customer to transfer Contract Demand from one location on the Gas Transmission System to another location subject to the approval of TransGas in accordance with the provisions of the Tariff. TransGas: means TransGas Limited. TransGas Contract: means any of the documents containing the particulars of a Customer’s Service including but not limited to those identified as a “Schedule of Service”, “Request for Service”, or “Contract Brief”. TransGas Energy Pool: means the collection of Shipper’s Imbalance Accounts into which Receipt Transportation Services flow and out of which Delivery Transportation Services flow, as well as, Title Transfers from one Shipper’s Imbalance Account to another. Gas may also flow from Shipper’s Imbalance Accounts to and from Storage, subject to Storage Injection and Withdrawal rights. TransGas Investment: the amount of money TransGas will invest towards Customer Specific Facilities based on contractual commitments agreed to by Customer(s) utilizing those Customer Specific Facilities on a Firm basis or on an actual usage basis for Interruptible Transportation Service as outlined in the General Business Policies. TransGas Service Agreement: means the agreement between TransGas and Customer respecting the provision of any Service described in the Tariff.

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Business Practices Overview 1.1 Definitions

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