TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

2.3 Daily Flow Rates Customer agrees to ensure that, on a reasonable efforts basis, the actual daily flows will match the daily Nomination. For those Customers entitled to Nominate on a Monthly basis, this obligation applies based on a representative daily Nomination calculated by dividing the Monthly Nomination by the number of Days in the Month. 2.4 Hourly Flow Rates Customer hourly flow capability will be based on the peak design capacity identified in both the construction and transportation Schedules of Service, with Firm Service up to the daily equivalent of the maximum hourly rate. Where no maximum hourly rate is available or otherwise provided in the Schedules of Service, TransGas will assume the 120% rule as the default requirement. The 120% rule is defined as follows: the maximum hourly rate of flow at the Point of Receipt or the Point of Delivery shall not be greater than one hundred and twenty percent (120%) of the hourly equivalent of the Contract Demand, or the accepted Nomination for Interruptible transportation. Thus, the maximum hourly rate will be equal to the Contract Demand, or the accepted Nomination Interruptible transportation, divided by 24 hours times 120 percent. TransGas reserves the right to restrict the Customer to a lesser hourly rate, within the Customer’s daily Firm capacity, where Customer hourly demand is negatively impacting TransGas’ Firm Service commitments to other Customers, or placing TransGas or In the event daily or hourly flows fall outside the conditions outlined in Clauses 2.3 and 2.4 herein, TransGas reserves the discretionary right to restrict flows at Points of Receipt and Delivery. 2.6 Temporary Increases to Contract Demand Notwithstanding Item 5(a) of the Delivery Transportation Service Specification, TransGas may consider a temporary increase to Contract Demand in instances of special Customer requirements for any Day or any number of Days. The temporary increase to Contract Demand may be for a minimum of one (1) Month but not to exceed one (1) year. 2.7 Authorized Overrun Capacity For any amounts of Gas delivered for the purposes of Impaired Receipts and Deliveries: re Planned Outages, as outlined in Article 16, Customer shall make application in writing to TransGas for an Authorized Overrun Capacity, prior to delivery. SaskEnergy facilities at risk. 2.5 Right to Restrict Flows

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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