TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

information, TransGas will begin, on the 20th Day of the Month, to move the prorated amount to the active portion of Shipper’s Imbalance Account(s) on a Daily basis. Any adjustments to prior periods may, at TransGas’ discretion, be added to the inactive

area of Shipper’s Imbalance Account(s). 4.9 Error in Determining Imbalance

For a period not exceeding two (2) years, Customer has the right to question TransGas' determination of an Estimated Daily Shipper Imbalance or Monthly Energy Imbalance. In the event Customer can demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of TransGas that TransGas has made an error in determining an Estimated Daily Shipper Imbalance or Monthly Energy Imbalance at a particular time (the "TGL Error"), then: (a) TransGas shall retroactively adjust Customer's accounts accordingly to the date of the TGL Error; and (b) In the event TransGas discontinued, in whole or in part, making deliveries of Gas to Customer at the Point of Delivery as outlined in Clause 4.4 based on Customer Daily Energy Imbalance exceeding Shipper’s Allowable Daily Tolerance, and save for the TGL Error, Customer Daily Energy Imbalance would not have exceeded Shipper’s Allowable Daily Tolerance, then Customer shall receive a credit equal to the following Daily Energy but for the TGL Error less the Actual Delivery Energy X Demand Charges specified in the Tariff Rates and Charges Schedules

Article 5 Quality of Gas 5.1 Quality Requirements

The Gas delivered by Customer or on behalf of Customer by its supplier to the Point of Receipt, entering the Gas Transmission System, and by TransGas at the Point of Delivery, leaving the Gas Transmission System, shall at all times comply with the following quality requirements: (a) Heating Value: the Gas delivered hereunder shall have an Actual Heating Value of not less than thirty five and no hundredths (35.00) MJ's per Cubic Metre. On a non-precedent setting basis, and at the sole discretion of TransGas, Gas of a lower Heating Value than that specified in Clause 5.1(a) above, may be delivered to TransGas by or on behalf of Customer at the Point of Receipt. Customer may inject hydrocarbons to increase the Heating Value of the Gas to the minimum requirement provided however, that the Gas, with the injected hydrocarbons, meets all the Gas quality specifications outlined in this section. In the event that TransGas, at its sole discretion, agrees to accept Gas below an Actual Heating Value of thirty five (35.00) MJ’s per Cubic Metre, TransGas’ Low Heating Value Surcharge Service must be in place with the Common Stream Operator of the Point of Receipt. In the event that the transport Customer (Shipper) delivers Gas during any period with an Actual Heating Value below thirty five (35.00) MJ’s per Cubic Metre and there is not a Firm Low Heating Value Surcharge Service in place or where there is

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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