TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

(b) Freedom from Objectionable Matter: The Gas delivered by Customer or on behalf of Customer by its supplier or by TransGas hereunder: i. Shall be commercially free from sand, dust, gums, liquids, oils, impurities and other objectionable substances which may become separated from the Gas and cause injury, cause damage to or interfere with the operation of the Gas Transmission System or Storage Facilities, or which may interfere with the commercial utilization of the Gas. ii. Shall not have a hydrocarbon dewpoint in excess of minus ten (-10°) degrees Celsius at operating pressure. iii. Shall not contain more than six (6) milligrams of hydrogen sulfide per one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas. iv. Shall not contain more than twenty-three (23) milligrams of total sulfur per one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas. v. Shall not contain more than six (6) milligrams of mercaptan sulfur per one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas, at the Point of Receipt, and at the Point of Delivery, subject only to the provisions of Clause 10.19.1 of Canadian Standards Association (CSAZ184-M92 as amended), regarding odorization of Gas, where applicable. vi. Shall not contain more than fifteen (15) millilitres of nitric oxide per one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas. vii. Shall not contain more than fifteen (15) millilitres of total oxides of nitrogen per one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas. viii. Shall not contain more than two percent (2%) by volume of carbon dioxide. ix. Shall be as free of oxygen as Customer or its Agent can keep it through the exercise of all reasonable precautions and shall not in any event contain more than four-tenths of one percent (0.4%) by volume of oxygen. x. Shall have been dehydrated, if necessary, for removal of water present therein in a vapor state, and in no event contain more than sixty-five (65) milligrams of water vapor per one (1) Cubic Metre of Gas, when measured at a pressure of one hundred and one and three hundred and twenty-five thousandths (101.325) kilopascals absolute and a temperature of fifteen degrees (15°) Celsius. xi. Shall not exceed a temperature of fifty degrees (50°) Celsius at the Point of Receipt hereunder. (c) Gas Quality at Interconnecting Pipelines Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 5.1(a) and (b), if the Gas being received by TransGas is required, at TransGas’ discretion, to operationally flow into an interconnecting pipeline, which has different quality specifications than those contained in Clause 5.1(a) and (b), TransGas, at its sole discretion, may require the Customer to deliver Gas with the quality specifications identical to those of the interconnecting pipeline. TransGas reserves the right to require Customer to meet such quality specifications upon three (3) Months’ written notice to Customer.

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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