TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

5.5 Customer Equipment and Procedures Customer covenants and agrees that the necessary monitoring, scrubbing and shutdown equipment will be installed and that correct operating procedures will be followed to ensure that all objectionable matter as required in this Article 5 has been removed prior to delivery of Gas into the Gas Transmission System and Storage Facilities. Article 6 Measurement of Gas The measurements and tests of the Gas delivered hereunder shall be governed by the following: 6.1 Equipment for Official Reporting Where the Customer has installed its own measuring and testing equipment, the measuring and testing equipment installed by TransGas shall be used for official reporting and billing purposes hereunder. 6.2 Measurement Equipment Measuring equipment shall be defined as the equipment required for the determination of the volume of Gas measured. (i.e. meters and flow computers). Testing equipment shall be defined as the equipment required for the determination of the quality of Gas measured. (i.e. samplers, chromatographs). 6.3 Compliance with Standards All measuring and testing equipment, devices and materials required herein shall be of a type approved for their intended use under the provisions of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act R.S.C. Chapter E-4, 1985 (the “EGI Act”) and Regulations thereto as amended. Pursuant to the EGI Act and Measurement Canada Bulletin G-14 (“G-14”), Measurement Canada (“MC”) has given conditional permission for Point of Receipt sites to be considered Low Intervention Trade Transaction sites (“LITT Sites”) where the use of gas metering equipment without verification and sealing is permitted at the Low Intervention Trade Transaction level. Notwithstanding anything else herein, the following shall apply at LITT Sites: (a) The Low Intervention Trade Transactions are subject to the provisions and conditions listed in G-14, a copy of which may be viewed on MC’s website; (b) The Customer agrees that the gas metering equipment at LITT sites has been initially calibrated and will be periodically recalibrated (and reprogrammed where necessary), in accordance with the process outlined in Clause 6.6 herein; (c) Any measurement disputes arising between the Customer and TransGas shall be resolved in accordance with the provisions of Clause 6.7 herein; (d) The Customer and TransGas acknowledge that the conditional permission granted by MC may restrict MC’s ability to successfully conclude a measurement dispute investigation, if MC’s involvement were to be requested; and

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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