TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

If it is determined in accordance with the foregoing that during such period: (a) the Gas measurement at the average hourly rate of flow is in error in an amount exceeding two percent (2%), or (b) the Heating Value measurement is in error in an amount exceeding one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%), then the previous readings of the measurement equipment or the recording calorimeter, as the case may be, shall be corrected to zero (0) error in the manner set forth above and all records and billings for such a period recalculated according to zero (0) error. No corrections in the records or billings shall be made for errors less than the limits specified above. 6.8 Inspection of Equipment and Records TransGas and Customer shall have the right to inspect equipment installed or furnished by the other, and the meter data and other measurement or testing data of the other at all times during business hours; but the reading, calibration and adjustment of such equipment shall be done only by the Person installing and furnishing the same. Measurement data, test data and other similar records shall be retained for the periods specified in accordance with the Act and Regulations referred to in Clause 6.3 herein, for the official custody transfer measurement devices. Article 7 Standards of Measurement and Tests The standards of measurement and tests for the Gas delivered hereunder shall be The unit of volume for purposes of measurement shall be one (1) Cubic Metre and converted to Energy using the Actual Heating Value. The unit of Energy shall be one (1) Joule. 7.2 Measurement Equipment All instruments and apparatus used for determining volume, pressure, temperature, relative density and total Heating Value shall be of a type approved for their intended use under the provisions of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, (supra) where such approvals are required. All measurements, calculations and procedures used in determining the volume hereunder shall be made in accordance with the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, (supra) and all applicable regulations issued pursuant thereto. 7.3 Compliance with Standards Except as herein before set forth, in the event of any conflict between a provision of this Tariff and the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, (supra) related to the measurement and testing of Gas, the provisions of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act, (supra) as it is in force and effect from time to time, shall prevail. governed by the following: 7.1 Unit of Measurement

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