TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

12.7 Record Retention For a period of up to two (2) years, each Person shall have the right to inspect and examine at all reasonable times the records and measurement information of the other Person pertaining to the Service. Article 13 Force Majeure 13.1 General Provisions Subject to the other provisions of the Tariff, if either the Customer or TransGas fails wholly or in part to observe or perform any of the covenants or obligations herein imposed upon it and such failure shall have been occasioned by, or in connection with, or in consequence of Force Majeure, as hereinafter defined, or any event or occurrence of the character hereinafter defined as constituting force majeure, such failure shall be deemed not to be a breach of such covenants or obligations. 13.2 Events of Force Majeure For the purposes of this Tariff, the term "Force Majeure" shall mean any cause not reasonably within the control of the Person claiming Force Majeure, which by the exercise of due diligence, such Person is unable to prevent or overcome, including but without limiting the generality of the foregoing: (a) lightning, storms, earthquakes, landslides, unusual accumulation of snow or ice, extreme cold weather, floods, washouts and other acts of God; (b) fires, explosions, ruptures, breakages or accidents to machines, compression facilities or lines of pipe; (c) freezing of pipelines, compression facilities or wells, hydrate obstructions of pipelines or appurtenances thereto; (d) temporary failure of Gas supply or pressure, and any act or omission (including failure to deliver Gas) of a supplier of Gas to, or a transporter of Gas to or for, TransGas; (e) civil disturbances, sabotage, acts of public enemies, wars, blockades, insurrections, vandalism, riots, epidemics;

(f) arrests and restraints of governments and people; (g) strikes, lockouts or other industrial disturbances;

(h) the order of any court, government body or regulatory body, and any laws, orders, rules, regulations, acts or restraints of any governmental body or authority, civil or military; (i) inability to obtain, or the curtailment of supplies, or disruption or failure of electric power, water, fuel, telecommunications or other utilities or services; (j) inability to obtain, or the curtailment of supplies, or disruption or failure of any other materials or equipment; (k) inability by TransGas or its Gas suppliers and/or transporters to obtain or revocation or amendment of any permit, license, certificate or authorization or any

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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