TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

19.9 Waiver of Defaults No waiver by TransGas or Customer of any one or more defaults by the other under a Service or in the performance of any provisions of a TransGas Contract shall operate or be construed as a waiver of any continuing or future default or defaults, whether of a like or different character. Failure or forbearance by either party to exercise any of its rights, powers or remedies hereunder or its delay to do so does not constitute a waiver of those rights, powers or remedies. 19.10 Assignments The TransGas Service Agreement and TransGas Contract shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of the Persons and their respective successors and assigns. Customer shall not assign any TransGas Service Agreement, TransGas Contract or any Service without the prior written consent of TransGas. Providing that any security posted by Customer is not affected, nothing herein contained shall prevent either Person from pledging or mortgaging its rights hereunder as security for its indebtedness. 19.11 Effects of Headings The headings used throughout this Tariff are inserted for reference purposes only, and are not to be considered or taken into account in construing any terms or provisions nor to be deemed in any way to qualify, modify or explain the effect of any such provisions or terms. 19.12 Governing Laws This Tariff and the rights and obligations of the Persons hereunder are subject to all present and future laws (including the provisions of The SaskEnergy Act , as amended from time to time), rules, regulations, orders by any legislative body, or any orders made by a duly constituted authority, now or hereafter having jurisdiction. Further, this Tariff is subject to amendment by TransGas from time to time, and Customer shall be bound by any amendment or modification; provided, however, TransGas endeavors to provide Customer with notice of any amendment or modification prior to it becoming effective. Notwithstanding the foregoing, failure to provide notice of any amendment or modification shall not impact the ability of TransGas to enforce the said amendment or modification. This Tariff and any Service Agreements shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws in force in the Province of Saskatchewan, and the parties hereby irrevocably attorn to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Saskatchewan. 19.13 Amendment of TransGas Contract No amendment or variation of any term, condition or provision of any TransGas Contract shall be effective or binding upon the Persons hereto unless it is set forth in writing and approved by TransGas, and acknowledged by Customer.

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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