TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

19.19 Agency Customer may notify TransGas that a Person described in an Agency Release (“Agent”) is appointed as Agent for Customer for all purposes with respect of the Service. In the event such Agency Release is intended to relate to Nomination obligations, or in the event Customer wishes to appoint an Agent solely for Nomination obligations, a Nominating Agency Agreement for TransGas Transportation, TEP and Storage Service must be executed prior to the appointment of the Agent being effective. TransGas shall have full and sufficient authority to deal with the Agent with respect to all matters relating to the Service in the same manner as if dealing directly with Customer, and Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and save harmless TransGas from any losses, demands, claims, costs or expenses that it may incur or that may arise due to TransGas' reliance on the Agent's authority. This notice shall be effective as of and from the Effective Date of the Service and shall remain in effect until written notice to the contrary is received by TransGas from Customer. Nothing contained in this section shall release Customer from any of its obligations, agreements, covenants, representations or warranties contained in the Service.

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Business Practices Overview 1.2 General Terms and Conditions

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