TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

1.4) Multiple Delivery Services Customer may have more than one Delivery Transportation Service to one Point of Delivery. For Direct Purchase Points of Delivery, no more than one Shipper may hold Delivery Transportation Service to that Point of Delivery. There may be more than one Point of Delivery at a Customer’s facility under separate metering. If the Customer requests separate metering, then the cost of the separate metering is the Customer’s responsibility. If a Customer currently has two or more Services running to one location (being a contiguous piece of property), the Customer may amalgamate these Services. The cost of the amalgamation is the Customer’s responsibility. Separate metering may be required by TransGas for those Customers requesting Summer Use Service with year-round requirements. A separate meter will not be required if the Customer’s Summer Use component can be otherwise determined. 2) Common Stream Operations 2.1) Common Stream Operator At each Point of Receipt, one Person is appointed, usually by mutual consent, the CSO. At TEP, TransGas is the CSO. 2.2) Common Stream Operations Service TransGas and the CSO will have one Common Stream Operations TransGas Contract that will list all the Receipt Transportation Services under the CSO’s responsibility at each Point of Receipt. 2.3) Transportation Service Customers who hold transportation Service are bound to the Common Stream Operations Service Specification including the Terms and Conditions. 3) Security 3.1) Customer Specific Costs TransGas reserves the right to request security equal to the TransGas Investment portion of the Customer Specific Facilities costs if the level of project risk is deemed higher than acceptable to TransGas. TransGas reserves the right to request Information pertaining to Customer's project in order to assess the level of risk. Security must be in place prior to the first flow of Gas under the applicable Receipt or Delivery Transportation Service.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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