TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

c) Energy Imbalances 1) Energy Imbalance Adjustments 1.1) Estimated Daily Shipper Imbalance

Each Day, TransGas will determine the Estimated Daily Shipper Imbalance on Shipper’s Imbalance Accounts. TransGas will also determine and provide Shipper’s Customer Daily Energy Imbalance. 1.2) Shipper shall ensure that the Customer Daily Energy Imbalance is within the prescribed Shipper’s Allowable Daily Tolerance. If the Customer Daily Energy Imbalance falls outside the prescribed Shipper’s Allowable Daily Tolerance, Shipper may make one of the following adjustments to mitigate the imbalance: (a) Adjust receipt Nominations and acquire more or less Gas into Shipper’s(s) Imbalance Account. (b) Move Gas to or from Storage. (c) Adjust delivery Nominations for Gas leaving Shipper’s(s) Imbalance Account. (d) Move Gas to or from Shipper’s Imbalance Account at TEP by way of Title Transfers. 1.3) If Customer fails to meet the Balancing obligation, TransGas reserves the right to restrict flows at the Points of Receipt and Delivery, TEP and Storage to ensure compliance. 2) Month-End Meter Reading 2.1) General Principles The daily volumetric meter readings will be converted to Energy by TransGas using the applicable Heating Value. The Month-end volumetric meter reading will be converted to Energy by TransGas using the applicable Actual Heating Value. 2.2) Delivery TransGas will attempt to read all TransGas delivery meters on the first calendar Day of each Month. Where meter reading on the first calendar Day of each Month is not practical, Month-end meter readings will be calculated by TransGas. For export Service, the Month-end delivery Energy is determined by the total daily Nominations to TransGas subject to any adjustments by downstream pipelines.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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