TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

2.3) Receipts Daily Point of Receipt Energy is Allocated pursuant to the Common Stream Operations Service. TransGas will attempt to read all TransGas receipt meters on the first calendar Day of each Month. Where meter reading on the first calendar Day of each Month is not practical, Month-end meter readings will be determined by TransGas. 2.4) Electronic Metering TransGas will attempt to have electronic metering in place on larger locations on the System to permit the establishment of daily flows and its communication to Shippers. 2.5) Secure Zone TransGas will post the Best Available Energy on the TransGas website. Customers may apply to access their specific information by completing an Electronic Access Application form. [See Electronic Business Service Specification within this Tariff, for more information.] 3) Operational Flow Orders 3.1) General Principles When the pipeline is in a crisis or an emergency situation, as determined by TransGas in its absolute discretion, those Shippers that cause or contribute to the emergency will be accountable for the costs incurred to mitigate the emergency situation. An emergency situation can occur when Shipper’s Imbalance Accounts are out of balance in a manner which may, without limitation, impact the safe operation of the pipeline or hinder TransGas’ ability to meet its Firm Service obligations, in which event, TransGas may issue an Operational Flow Order (OFO). 3.2) Operational Flow Order An OFO is a mechanism TransGas may activate to protect the operational integrity of the pipeline. TransGas may issue and implement system-wide OFOs in the event of high or low pipeline inventory. The order requires all Shippers to take immediate action to bring their account balances back within a specified Shipper’s Tolerance Percentage. Shippers will be required to adjust their supplies or deliveries to bring their Shipper’s Imbalance Accounts into tolerance.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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