TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

-C- Capacity: means the maximum quantity, which can be transported in a given time interval governed by the existing conditions of the Gas Transmission System. Capacity Release: means Assignment. Class of Service: means a grouping of transport Services as follows: Receipt to TEP, TEP to export delivery, TEP to intra-delivery, and Point-to-Point Transportation Service, irrespective of the types of transportation Service. Closing Balance: means the aggregate Energy of Gas in a Shipper’s Imbalance Account at the end of a period that is calculated in accordance with the following formula: Closing Balance = Opening Balance for the period + A-B-C Where: A = Energy received into a Shipper’s Imbalance Account. B = Energy delivered out of a Shipper’s Imbalance Account. C = Fuel Gas and Unaccounted for Gas, where applicable. Commodity Charge: means that portion of a Service rate based on the per unit of Service actually delivered to the Customer. Common Stream Gas: means Gas that has been commingled with or exchanged for Gas owned by Person other than Customer, prior to delivery by TransGas to the Customer at a Point of Delivery or prior to delivery by Customer to TransGas at the Point of Receipt. Common Stream Operating Service or Common Stream Operations Service: means the Service between TransGas and the Common Stream Operator, as set out in the Common Stream Operation Service Specification. Common Stream Operator (CSO): means the Person at a Point of Receipt who accepts Nominations and provides TransGas with Allocations. Compression: means the action on a material, which decreases its volume as the pressure to which it is subjected increases. Natural Gas is usually compressed while it is being transported. Confirmed Nomination: means a Nomination for Service or a change in a Customer’s existing level of Service is verified by TransGas. Contract Brief: means a document summarizing the particulars of a fully executed Request for Service. Contract Demand: means the maximum quantity of Gas in any one Day that TransGas is obligated to transport as identified on the TransGas Contract. Contracted Capacity: means the net cumulative amount of Gas measured in GJ’s which Customer has the right to inject into Customer’s Inventory at any time during the Storage Period as identified on the TransGas Contract.

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Business Practices Overview 1.1 Definitions

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