TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

3) Termination 3.1) Energy Balances The Customer shall be responsible for zeroing any Energy Imbalance on any Shipper Imbalance Account that may exist upon the termination of that Service. Upon termination of a Shipper Imbalance Account, Customer has 10 Days after the determination of any remaining imbalance to zero the imbalance. TransGas shall use reasonable effort to recover any remaining Energy Imbalance due to TransGas at the end of the 10 Day period. Thereafter, any remaining unrecoverable Imbalance will be considered Unaccounted for Gas and dealt with as specified in Clause 10.3 of the General Terms and Conditions. 3.2) Return to SaskEnergy Services An intra-provincial Delivery Transportation Service shall terminate if Customer becomes either a full service or a delivery service customer of SaskEnergy Incorporated. g) Other 1) Nominations 1.1) Responsibility for Nominations For all transportation Service and Title Transfers within TEP, Customer or Customer’s Agent must Nominate for Service in accordance with the Nomination Procedure within this Tariff. With the exception of Summer Use transportation, any Direct Purchase Customer, consuming less than 48,600 GJ per year, and any Direct Purchase Demand Customer, whose total Contract Demand at the Point of Delivery is less than 1,000 GJ per Day, may provide TransGas with one Nomination for Delivery Transportation Service, each Month, equal to their anticipated Monthly usage. Such Customer may make any additional Nominations throughout the Month to correct for any daily imbalances. Notwithstanding the preceding, TransGas reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to require daily Nominations from any Customer. 1.2) Nomination Forms Appropriate Nomination forms can be found in the Standard Forms section of the Tariff. [See Nomination Procedures, within this Tariff, for further information.] 2) Receipt and Delivery Pressure of Gas 2.1) Elevated Pressure Service If a Customer requests a guaranteed delivery pressure above the standard operating pressure for that transmission line, and TransGas agrees to provide the higher delivery pressure, then Customer must pay incremental operating costs plus any incremental facility costs.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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