TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

III. Storage 1) Storage Nominations 1.1) Injection Into Storage

Gas will be delivered into Storage from Customer’s own Shipper’s Imbalance Account at TEP through daily Nominations placed with TransGas. [See Nomination Procedure, in this Tariff, for further information.] If a Nomination is not received within the specified time, the last Nomination remains in effect until the Customer makes a subsequent Nomination. Injections into Storage will be on a Firm basis, either Base or Biddable, as outlined in the Storage Terms and Conditions in place from time to time. Excess Injections, above Firm entitlements, are on a reasonable efforts basis. If required, daily Excess Injections will be prorated based on Nominations received. 1.2) Withdrawals from Storage Withdrawals from Storage will be made on the basis of daily Nominations up to Customer’s Allowable Withdrawal rights. Nominations must be in place with TransGas. If a Nomination is not received within the specified time, the last Nomination remains in effect until the Customer makes a subsequent Nomination. Upon Withdrawal from Storage, Gas will be transferred to Customer’s own Shipper’s Imbalance Account at TEP. If required, Withdrawals will be prorated based on Customer’s Allowable Withdrawal rights except when Service must be maintained to Heating Load Customers. 1.3) Changes to Nominations Changes to Nominations, with 4-hours’ notice, are accepted on a reasonable efforts basis. Only on-the-hour changes to Nominations will be accepted. Retroactive Nominations will not be permitted. 2) Storage Renewal Rights 2.1) Long Term Summer Use Storage Service For long-term Summer Use Storage Service, the term will not Evergreen but rather Customer will have the Right of First Refusal (RFR). With RFR rights, the Customer is given priority for the renewal of Service over a new Service request. Once TransGas has determined the amount of long-term Summer Use Storage Capacity that will be available for the next Storage year, as defined in the Storage Terms and Conditions, the Customers will be informed by TransGas of any change in the amount of Capacity available. Customers will supply TransGas with a written request by the deadline specified by TransGas for long-term Summer Use Storage Service, for the next Storage year. Failure to notify TransGas will result in the termination of Service.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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