TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

Article 3 Definitions Where used in this TransGas Queue Policy the following terms shall have the meanings: 3.1) "Offer of Service" means an offer by TransGas to provide the Service described in the applicant’s Request for Registered Queue Position Form, and includes, without limitation, the following: (a) a letter of intent or letter of commitment describing the terms of Service; (b) an applicable TransGas Contract describing the terms of Service; or (c) an amendment to an existing TransGas Contract describing the terms of Service. 3.2) “Open Season” is a prescribed period in which interested parties will have an opportunity to obtain a position in a TransGas Queue “Binding” or to express an interest in future Service “Non-Binding". 3.3) “Queue Deposit” is a refundable deposit, subject to the default provisions described in Article 6 herein, that the applicant will be required to submit to reserve a place in the TransGas Queue. 3.4) “Queued Area” means that area of the TransGas System, as identified by TransGas or also Storage, where Capacity is currently constrained. 3.5) "Request for Registered Queue Position Form" means the Request for Registered Queue Position Forms found in the Standard Forms Section of the Tariff, which applicants use to outline their request for those Services as outlined in Article 1.1 above. 3.6) "TransGas Queue" means the Queue established by TransGas to provide applicants with access to those applicable Services. Article 4 The Queue Process If an applicant requests Service at a location where TransGas is not currently able to fully provide the Service requested, the applicant’s request is added to the TransGas Queue. 4.1) All applicants will be required to complete a Request for Registered Queue Position Form. A Request for Registered Queue Position Form is available in the Standard Forms Section of the Tariff. 4.2) By requesting a Queue position, the applicant has indicated a willingness to accept an Offer of Service for the Service requested in a Request for Registered Queue Position Form.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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