TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

4.3) With the signing of the Request for Registered Queue Position Form, the applicant acknowledges and agrees to be bound by the provisions set forth in the Request for Registered Queue Position Form and its terms and conditions as follows: (a) In consideration of TransGas receiving the Request for Registered Queue Position Form and considering the inclusion of the applicant in the TransGas Queue and other good and valuable consideration, the applicant agrees to comply with and to be bound by the provisions of this TransGas Queue Policy that may be in force from time to time. (b) The applicant acknowledges having reviewed the TransGas Queue Policy, which is currently in force; provided, however, that it is understood and agreed that TransGas may change the TransGas Queue Policy without notice. Such new TransGas Queue Policy shall be binding on the applicant once it is posted on the TransGas website. 4.4) To ensure that only serious requests are received and in order to attain a registered Queue position, each prospective Customer will be required to post a Queue Deposit. 4.5) Upon receipt of a written request for Service, an applicant’s request for Service will be added to the TransGas Queue. TransGas will inform the applicant that the request has been received and has been added to the TransGas Queue. A Queue Deposit and a fully completed Request for Registered Queue Position Form will be requested. The applicant will have 14 Days, or as otherwise indicated by TransGas, to submit both the Queue Deposit and the fully completed Request for Registered Queue Position Form to TransGas. Failure to submit either or both within the time specified will result in the applicant’s request being removed from the TransGas Queue. If an applicant does not provide all the information required in the Request for Registered Queue Position Form and TransGas, acting reasonably, deems the information is significant, TransGas will notify the applicant of the missing information. Failure to provide the missing information will result in the applicant’s request being removed from the TransGas Queue. If the applicant does not provide all the information required in the Request for Registered Queue Position Form and TransGas, acting reasonably, deems the missing information is not significant, then the applicant’s request will remain in the TransGas Queue. If, at a later date, TransGas, acting reasonably, deems the missing information as now significant, the applicant shall provide the information to TransGas. If the information is not provided in a time specified by TransGas, which shall be no less than seven (7) Days, the applicant will be removed from the TransGas Queue and any applicable Queue Deposit will be returned.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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