TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

4.6) An applicant will be positioned in the TransGas Queue according to the date and time their written request for Service is received, subject to the applicant submitting the required Queue Deposit and Request for Registered Queue Position Form within 14 calendar Days of receipt of the request from TransGas. If the Queue Deposit or the Request for Registered Queue Position Form is not received within the 14 calendar Day window, the applicant’s request will be positioned in the TransGas Queue according to the date and time their Queue Deposit and Request for Registered Queue Position Form are both received by TransGas. 4.7) TransGas will maintain a listing of the TransGas Queue. A Queue list will be provided upon request. The Queue list will identify the Capacity requested and, if so authorized by the applicant, the name of the applicant. Such authorization is requested from each applicant on the Request for Registered Queue Position Form. 4.8) TransGas will notify applicants in the TransGas Queue of any changes in the applicable Service rates, the timing of construction, the estimated Customer contributions, and any security deposit required. 4.9) TransGas may, at its discretion, close a Queued Area and no additional requests for Service will be accepted. Queued Areas that have been closed will be re- opened through an Open Season. Article 5 Changes to Applicant’s Request for Service 5.1) An applicant may request minor, non-significant changes to their request without affecting the applicant’s Queue position. However, if an applicant requests a significant change to their request with respect to a requested Point of Receipt, Point of Delivery, in-service date, type of Service, or other material terms, then the applicant’s position in the TransGas Queue will be moved back to the date the requested change was received. The determination of whether a change is significant and should trigger a move back in the TransGas Queue will be determined by TransGas, acting reasonably. 5.2) A request to increase the Service Capacity of an applicant’s original request will be considered as a second request for Service. The original request will remain unchanged and a second position in the TransGas Queue will be established for the additional Service Capacity requested. An applicant may reduce his requested Service Capacity without losing his position in the TransGas Queue. The applicant’s requested reduction in Service Capacity will be administered as a partial withdrawal from the TransGas Queue and the portion of the Queue Deposit relating to the reduced Capacity will be handled as outlined in Article 13 herein. 5.3) An applicant may request to transfer the Point of Receipt or the Point of Delivery as outlined in his Request for Registered Queue Position Form, to another location. The requested transfer will be allowed only if the transfer is considered not significant, as deemed by TransGas, acting reasonably.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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