TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

Article 10 Construction of New System Facilities 10.1) TransGas will build new system facilities under the following conditions: (a) sufficient Queue Capacity is present and economically feasible to justify a facility expansion; and (b) an Offer of Service, signed by the applicant(s), is provided. Any System facility expansion may be subject to approval by the TransGas Board of Directors. All applicants in the TransGas Queue, for whom the requested Service can be economically provided, may be asked to confirm their request for Service as outlined in the Request for Registered Queue Position Form by signing an Offer of Service and Article 8.0 will apply. 10.2) On the basis of the Capacity requirements in the TransGas Queue or confirmed in the Offer of Service, TransGas will develop and proceed with a facilities expansion plan. TransGas may determine that for economic reasons, the facilities expansion plan may not be able to accommodate all confirmed requests. The Capacity, made available through the facilities expansion plan, will be allocated to those applicants according to their position in the TransGas Queue, who have accepted an Offer of Service as outlined in Article 7.0. 10.3) Each applicant who signed an Offer of Service will be notified of their inclusion in the facility expansion plan. Applicants whose requests could not be accommodated may remain in the TransGas Queue at their option. Applicants whose requests are accommodated in the facility expansion plan and who have signed an Offer of Service are required to fulfill the commitments of the Offer of Service within 30 Days and execute an applicable TransGas Contract or sign an amendment to a current, fully executed TransGas Contract. In addition to any provisions outlined in the Offer of Service, failure to execute an applicable TransGas Contract will be dealt with in accordance with Article 8.2 Article 11 Construction of Customer Specific Facilities 11.1) Where Customer Specific Facilities are required in conjunction with a registered Queue position, TransGas will provide the applicant with a “Final Quotation”, which includes, without limitation, the following information: (a) the Customer contribution for the Service requested; (b) the amount of any required security deposit; (c) the amount of any TransGas Investment in Customer Specific Facilities; (d) the timing of construction indicating an in-Service date; and (e) a TransGas Contract. Any changes that may impact the information found in the Final Quotation will result in TransGas issuing a revised Final Quotation and written notification will be forwarded to the applicant.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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