TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

TransGas Comprehensive Tariff

11.2) The applicant will have thirty (30) Days from receipt of the Final Quotation to fully execute and return the TransGas Contract to TransGas. Failure to do so will result in the applicant being removed from the TransGas Queue and forfeiture of the Queue Deposit. If the applicant declines the offer of the Customer Specific Facilities Construction Service, he will be removed from the TransGas Queue and forfeit the Queue Deposit, unless the applicant declines this Service within the first seven (7) Days of receipt of the Final Quotation. If the applicant rejects the Final Quotation within the 7-Day window, he will be removed from the TransGas Queue and the Queue Deposit will be returned to the applicant. 11.3) The seven (7) Day period of rejection and the subsequent return of any Queue Deposit are only applicable when the construction of new Customer Specific Facilities is required. Where the construction of new Customer Specific Facilities is NOT required, a Final Quotation is NOT issued. A Customer contribution may be required when there is construction of Customer Specific Facilities. When a Customer contribution is required and there is no construction of Customer Specific Facilities, the Service is deemed to be Non- Standard. 11.4) Once TransGas receives a fully executed TransGas Contract, TransGas may issue a transportation Offer of Service and Article 8.0 will apply. Article 12 Transfers within Queued Areas 12.1) Customers, who already have Firm Receipt Capacity within a Queued Area, will have the right to transfer this Capacity to another receipt location within the Queued Area under standard transfer policies. Those applicants in a receipt Queue will not have first rights to this Firm Capacity. 12.2) Customers, who already have Firm Delivery Capacity within a Queued Area, will have the right to transfer this Capacity to another delivery location within the Queued Area under standard transfer policies, or to transfer to the export market, provided they provide a simultaneous request to transfer back to the original Point of Delivery. The transfer to the export market shall not exceed one Month. Those applicants in a delivery Queue will not have first rights to this Firm Capacity. 12.3) Customers holding Firm Capacity outside a Queued Area will not be able to transfer into a Queued Area but will be placed in the TransGas Queue upon completion of the Request for Registered Queue Position Form and will be subject to the provisions outlined in this TransGas Queue Policy. 12.4) With the exception outlined under Article 12.2, Customers transferring Firm Capacity out of a Queued Area will not have any future rights to the Capacity. The resulting Firm Capacity will be made available to the TransGas Queue as outlined in Article 7.0.

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Business Practices Overview 1.3 General Business Policies

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