WELCOME TO ASCEND WELLNESS MBS. Intravenous infusions give a 100% bioavailability of the nutritional components delivered, meaning your body gets to use all of what is delivered. It is recommended to follow up with oral supplements after infusions to maintain levels between treatments. We recommend quality supplements from The Apothecary @ ASCEND, FULLSCRIPT and NUTRIDYN and can assist you in ordering those if needed. If you have any special requests for conditions/infusions, please don’t hesitate to ask. We will make every attempt to create a custom infusion based on your needs if able. Prices include your wellness visit with an RN every visit- NO EXTRA COSTS. Our nutritional infusions are given strictly as nutritional support for the listed conditions and are not a substitute for medical care prescribed by your provider. Some infusions such as high dose Vit C/Poly MVA for Cancer Support will be done under consultation with your cancer specialist. THE MYERS Baby Myers “ The First Timer ” $165 High Dose Myers $185 Named for the late John C Myers, the Myers Cocktail is an infusion of multiple vitamins and minerals including Magnesium, Vitamin C, B Complex Vitamins and Calcium . This remains one of the most popular infusions across the US for its effectiveness in a variety of ailments. We will ease you into this infusion with a “baby Myers” for the newbie and then increase to the High Dose Myers for subsequent visits. **Acute Asthma & Bronchitis, Fatigue, Migraines and vascular tension headaches, Allergic Rhinitis, Depression, Athletic Performance, Cardiovascular Disease, Sinusitis, Upper Respiratory Infection, Narcotic Withdrawal Symptoms, Chronic Uticaria, Hyperthyroidism, Acute and Chronic Pain Syndromes, PMS symptoms, Hyper and Hypothyroidism, can augment other offered infusions nicely. FATIGUE/FIBROMYALGIA MYERS $195 Although not many rigorous scientific tests have been done on this treatment, a great deal of anecdotal evidence exists to support its efficacy, especially for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Assists in easing the pain and tenderness of Fibromyalgia, and the often-debilitating fatigue associated with this condition. REPLETION COMPLETE $220 “ The Myers on Steroids ” Indications include general Myers ailments with the addition of high inflammatory states such as high CRP, inflammation, and auto-immune conditions. Repletion Complete is excellent for Pre- and Post-Surgical nutritional support. Recommended dosing- one infusion per week for 6-8 weeks for best efficacy; surgical support dosing is more specific and will be planned with your provider in the clinic IMMUNE COMPLETE $225 Indications include- Surgical Wound Healing, Acute Infections, and before Surgery or Travel to boost Immune System & Auto-immune Conditions. DEPRESSION Ease $185 A specially blended infusion aimed at easing those rainy days. Can also be paired effectively with our ketamine infusion therapy or Fibromyalgia Myers.
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