DIY² Lab – Group dynamics online

DIY² Lab – Group dynamics online

07 July 2022

In March 2021, IJAB launched its new project DIY² Lab: Do-it-Yourself in Digital International Youth Work for experts, project managers and team leaders who want to explore the possibilities afforded by digital international youth work. The DIY² Labs are an opportunity for experts and team leaders to try out digital tools and methods and discuss practical as well as more fundamental issues associated with digital international youth work in the group. The events are usually held on Zoom. Since January 2022, the DIY² Lab has been held once a month, alternately in English and German, and is advertised on the website. The documentation of the previous laboratories can also be found there, each in German and English. After two years of online meetings we all gained a lot of experience how digital youth work can look like. Time to summarise and point out what we can do to use this new opportunity. In the DIY² Lab on July 7th, 2022 (2 - 3:30 p.m. CET) we exchanged conclusions and discussed our ideas on the following questions: • Group dynamics in digital youth exchange - how can you recognise and support what is happening on the screen? • From either digital or live to digital and live • What makes sense to do online and can work also good or even better? • What makes digital group dynamics specific?

The DIY² Lab was supported by Christoph Schneider-Laris, responsible for the Voluntary Service Program at Paritätische Freiwilligendienste Sachsen gGmbH. He works as social educator in International Youth Work, organizes and facilitates german-polish youth exchanges and specialists programs. He specializes in group dynamics, language animation, vocational exchanges and experiential education.

Foto: DPJW

DIY² Lab Since January 2022, the DIY² lab is been held alternately in German and English.

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