King's Business - 1932-02

February 1932



book days. The entire structure encloses a courtyard which is the central meeting place for the family. The Last Supper was held in a room on the second floor which, in the house we are visiting, is reached by a stairway from the courtyard. Floors and ceiling of stone, worn smooth by centuries; an archway leading to the roof;—as we gaze upon this room occu-

The march to the seat of judgment has begun. In the time of Jesus the palace of Pilate was joined to a tower in the Temple area by an arch. Beneath the arch was a courtyard where prisoners were brought before the Governor. Today the Temple has been replaced by the Mosque of Omar and the site of Pilate’s palace is occupied by an orphanage. The courtyard has become part of a thor­ oughfare. Our lesson for

we should visit Jerusalem in person, all these sites will be visited. The roads to all of them still remain as the roads described by the apostles. For part of the journey they are the same and whether we turn to right of left is of little importance. The fact that we have seen these things with our own eyes, and walked the same ground He once trod is sufficient.' We have lived for awhile in the world as He knew it while He was on earth. The Day o f Resurrection He is risen. What glory we find on this day that marks His resurrection, if we can but be in the land where He lived. Our lesson for Easter Sunday is the glorious story as told by St. John (John 20:11-20), and in Jerusalem as in all Christendom it is a day of great rejoicing. Modern Jerusalem is unlike the Jerusalem of old on this occasion. Instead of a small band of followers hiding in obscure homes, thousands upon thousands lift up their voices in rejoicing. Christians from all over the world have traveled untold thousands of miles in order to be in the Holy City on this day. As in the case of Calvary the location of the tomb has not been authenticated. Each of the sites selected for Calvary includes a site for the sepulchre, and on Easter Sunday thousands of Christians .will be worshipping His name at all of them. Throughout the land we shall see many tombs which, in design, are almost identical with the hallowed one. As the Scriptures tell us, it was hewn out of rock and before it a stone was rolled. On our dream trip we will see such tombs. We may enter if we wish and then as we read again the story as told by St. John, a new and deeper understand is sure to result. Our dream trip is ended. We have visited the scenes for the first lessons of the year. Now the Land fades into the distance as our ship steams toward the West —and home. We hope these descriptions

March 20, is the story of the cru­ cifixion as re­ lated by St. John (John 19:17-22, 25-30). On our dream trip we will walk from t h e courtyard, before Pilate’s house and fol-



as closely as possible the path

Jerusalem today as it appears Mount of Olives. The dome in ground marks the Mosque of Omar built on the traditional site, of Solomon’s Temple. pied to d a y by guests of the “goodman” who is our host, we can almost imagine time has been turned back to the day when “ a man carrying a vessel of water” guided Peter and John to the scene of the Feast. At the conclusion of the Supper, according to custom, the Saviour and His disciples left the room where they had eaten and probably

sat upon the roof, overlooking t h e city This is the setting for the lesson of March 13, which is the story of Jesus comforting His disciples as told in John 14:1-18. On our dream trip, the stone pavement of the roof is bathed in moonlight. The city lies at our feet, resting

that He followed. It is unfortunate that the exact site of Golgotha is not agreed upon by the authorities. C o n ­ stantine, after he embraced Ch r i s ­ tianity, sent Bishop Macarius to Jeru­ salem in order to establish the exact location of b o t h Calvary a n d the T o m b , and upon The S. S. Providence of the Fabre Line is one of the greyhounds of the sea most of our parties use.

in the cool of the evening. On other roofs, many family groups can be seen, because the Feast of the Unleavened Bread has ended and the roof is the porch to a Palestinian family. The twelve listen while He com­ forts them. And we read again those words of comfort and find in them a new signifi­ cance. Now the supper is over. Night has fallen, and under the blazing stars of the East we follow in His steps across the city. When the hour is late we reach Gethsemane. The city sleeps. Into this very garden He went- alone to pray and to suffer for the sins of the world. Probably there can be few greater inspirations for any Christian than to stand on this hallowed ground. Gethsemane today probably is somewhat smaller than the garden our Lord knew. The site however is absolutely authentic. Ancient olive and fig trees shadow its winding paths. It is a haven for the weary, a tiny bit of the earth’s surface made forever sacred. Dawn approaches. Shafts of yellow, violet, and red pierce the sky above the Mount of Olives. In our mind’s eye we see men with lanterns approaching. The disciples awake. Judas betrays Him. Peter, in anger, cuts off the right ear of the high priest’s servant.

The fig trees provide both

shade and food for the Palestinians. have made the Land more real to you. W e hope they have given you a clearer and better understanding of His teachings. If they have helped, we are thankful and our work is well done. It is our hope also that you have come to realize the infinite benefits which can be gained by a visit to the Land itself. Never before has there been a greater need for His teachings. Never before has there been a greater need for Christian men and women to have a deeper understanding of them. The opportunity is now presented to you

his report the present location of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was selected. Scholars as far back as 754 a . d . questioned the authen­ ticity of this location and controversy con­ tinues to this day. During the nineteenth century, a theory was advanced that the loca­ tion was to the north of the city at a site now known as “ Gordan’s Calvary.” Still later another site adjoining the area of the “ Tombs of the Kings,” was advanced for consideration and many thousands believe it to be the authentic “ Golgotha.” Of course, on our dream trip and also if

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