King's Business - 1932-02


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

February 1932

glory” and to rejoice in hope o f the glory o f God, now and here. The threefold con­ trast is very striking. The apostle had just been enumerating some o f his per­ sonal trials, “troubled on every side,” “per­ plexed,” “cast down,” “persecuted,” etc., and then, almost in a breath, he speaks of it as “a light affliction,” after all, for in the balance he has set “a far more exceeding and eternal weight o f glory.” The affliction is “ but for a moment,” the glory is seen to be “eternal.” “What can we do, o’er whom the unbe- beholden Hangs in a night with which we can­ not cope? What but look sunward, and with faces golden Speak to each other softly o f a hope?” -»H . ucy A. B ennett . FEBRUARY 28 “I will . . . praise thy name for thy lovingkindness” (Psa. 138:2). Lovingkindness ! What a delightful word 1 W e scarcely meet with it except in the Bible. God seems to reserve it for Himself ; and men, as though by common consent, refrain from using it. It is one of the special words of God’s home-circle, and He loves to use it when talking to His children. How expressive it is 1 It indicates tender compassion, sympathy, solicitude, and deep affection. Mingle these together, and you have lovingkindness. Thank God for this precious word! We may well make it the theme o f our cease­ less song. No, not quite that. W e will not sing about the word, but o f the fact, and the ceaseless proofs He gives us o f its exercise. All through the year, yes, and throughout our lives, what have we ex*, perienced at His hands, but lovingkind­ ness ! How ceaselessly kind and loving have been His dealings with us ! Mark the way by which He has led us : His provi­ dential mercies unfailingly continued, thé gentle influences of His grace, the trans­ forming operations o f His Spirit, all the spiritual blessings He has lavished upon us, His wise counsellings, tender comfort- ings, effectual enablings, and ever occur­ ring encouragings in running the race, ac­ complishing His work, pressing on to the “mark” ! What a long list we have o f the lovingkindnesses o f the Lord ! Oh, come, let us sing! God has provided songs for His people to sing in the night of trial and sorrow. Let them but think o f the “lov­ ingkindness o f the Lord,” and the notes of praise will soon be heard.—J. T. W- FEBRUARY 29 "Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him” (Psa. 103:13). He knoweth where our weary steps might falter, And where our timid hearts might be dismayed, Where careless walking might bring pain and peril, He knoweth; then we will not be afraid. A fraid! How could we be with such a Father, So strong, so loving, and so good to all, Who heareth the most feeble cry for suc­ cour, Who raiseth very gently those who fall! — C harlotte M u rray .

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