King's Business - 1932-02


February 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

MARCH 1 ‘‘Let this mind Be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Phil. 2:5 ). There are three mental attitudes pre­ sented to us in the Bible: open-minded­ ness, double-mindedness, and single-mind­ edness. The first pictures to us a man limp­ ing back and forth between two proposi­ tions and taking his stand on neither; the second portrays a man who undertakes to hold two propositions that are contradic­ tory and mutually exclusive, becoming “ unstable” in the process; the third repre­ sents a man who addresses himself to the duties o f life with “singleness of heart.” It remains for the thoughtful soul to take his choice among the three; There are sub­ jects concerning which it is disastrous to keep an open mind. W oe betide the man who is undecided as between Christ and Satan, virtue and vice, life and death. Nor is it any the less fatal to appraise these an­ tagonistic persons and principles at equal value. Our God will have none o f the double-minded man. To serve both God and Baal is equally offensive with serving neither God nor Baal—perhaps more o f­ fensive. In the latter case, God is rejected; in the former, He is debased, whereas we should serve Him “with the whole heart, fervently.”—C. W . E lsey . MARCH 2 ‘‘For if the trumpet give an uncertain .sound, who shall prepare himself to bat­ tle” (1 Cor. 14:8)? Many who claim to be trumpeters for God are giving forth a weak, piping tune that sounds more like dance music than the clarion call to war. There never has been a time when the need was greater for positive, pungent preaching; preach­ ing backed with the emphatic “thus saith the Lord” ; preaching with the fiery elo­ quence born o f passionate earnestness; preaching with the unction and power óf the Holy Ghost; preaching that magni­ fies Calvary, the awfulness of sin, and its consequences, and the coming of our Lord. The pity and shame of a church, com­ missioned to preach the glorious gospel o f the Son o f God, sfooping to entertaining the public by Sunday' evening moving pic­ ture shows, and the like, is comparable to a king or a president leaving the affairs of state to peddle peanuts from a popcorn wagon. Because the sound o f the trumpet is so uncertain, very few are preparing them­ selves for battle; that is, there are few converts, few who are entering the min­ istry, and few who are active in Chris­ tian service.— S elected . MARCH 3 “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit" (Eph. 6:18). The decisive preparation for prayer lies not in the prayer itself, but in the life prior to the prayer. Prayer is the method that God Himself has appointed . . . Let us never forget that the more work presses on us, the more time must we spend in prayer. Shall we today, in great submission, kneel at our Master’s feet, lay our hands upon His covenant, trust His Word, and receive His gifts? Take pains to look at Him. Take pains, take time, make time to deepen your acquaintance with Him, to keep touch with Him. The power for holy freedom is intercourse with God. — S elected .

The morning is the gate of day, But ere you enter there, See that you set to guard it well The sentinel of prayer. So shall God’s grace your steps attend, But nothing else pass through Save what can give the countersign; The Father’s will for you. When you have reached the end of day Where night and sleep await, Set there the sentinel again To bar the evening’s gate. So shall no fear disturb your rest, No danger and no care; For only peace and pardon pass The watchful guard of prayer. “Delight thyself also in the Lord.” How beautiful the phrase! The literal signifi­ cance is this: “ Seek for delicacies in the Lord.” Yes, and if we only set about with ardent purpose to discover the delicacies of the Lord’s table, we should have no time and no inclination to fret. But this is just what the majority o f us do not do. We take the crumbs from the Master’s table, and we have no taste of the excellent deli­ cacies. Now the delicacies c?f anything are not found in the elementary stages; we have to move forward to the advanced. The delicacies of music are not found in the first half-dozen lessons; it is only in the later stages that we come to the ex­ quisite. And so it is in art, and so it is in literature, and so it is with the things of the Lord. Let us be ambitious for the excellent! God has not given to us yet of His best. He always keeps the best wine until the last. W e shall never reach God’s superlative! “The unsearchable riches o f Christ” will reveal themselves more and more in us throughout the glorious sea­ sons of the eternal day. — J H. J owett . MARGH 5 "Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you” (1 Pet. 5:7 ). Cast all your anxious care, once and for­ ever, upon God. You will be diligent in business, as before; exposed to trial, as before; under fire o f temptation, as be­ fore; you will toil on with the pilgrimage, the campaign, the Master’s service, as be­ fore; you will be exercised by weakness and weariness, pain and grief, disappoint­ ment and difficulty, as before; but, this element o f anxious care absent, amidst all these experiences your minds will be kept in perfect peace, and you will be enabled even to rejoice and sing all the while through confident trust in Him “who careth for you.” . . . His loving word, and grace, and Spirit are ever for u s! Oh, what a thought for the child of God amid the billows, or in burning fiery furnaces, or in conflicts and contention with the fierce forces o f Satan— “He is taking care of me!” . . . Alleluia, God is always tak­ ing care of His children who have cast their care upon H im !—J. T. W . MARCH 6 “He that seeketh his glory that sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him" (John 7 :18). O my dear friends, there is our safety! If you think about the details o f your — B r itish W eekly . MARCH 4 “Delight thyself also in the Lord” (Psa. 37:4).


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