King's Business - 1932-02

February 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


MARCH 13 “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength’’ (Isa. 30:15). Who yields his will to God’s good pleasure, And hopes in Him, whate’er betide; To him is grace in ample measure Through every time o f need supplied. Secure shall his foundation stand, He hath not built upon the sand. T o God thy whole desire confiding— Oh, rest thee in His sovereign w ill; His grace is for thy good providing, Though sorrow’s draught thy cup may fill. He who thy captive soul hath freed, Hath pondered well thy present need. Think not, when furnace fires are round thee, That God hath left thee to their rage; Say not, “ Did wealth or power surround me, His praises should my lips engage.” The rolling years are fraught with change, Each sorrow hath its fixed range. Give thanks and. pray, whilst onward pressing In wisdom’s path with purpose true, And heaven shall send thee showers of blessing, Rich mercies every morning new. The feeblest saint who trusts the Lord, Hath present help and sure reward. — G eorge N e u m a r k . God’s will for us leads on earth to the noblest, truest, most Christlike character, and then beyond this world to glory and eternal life. For you, whatever your expe­ riences, however hard and painful life may seem to you, God’s will is the very hand of divine love to lead you on toward all that is good and beautiful and blessed. Never doubt it, even in the darkest hour, or when the pain is sorest, or when the cross is heaviest. God’s will holds you ever close to God and leads you ever toward and into God’s sweetest rest. It brings peace to the heart—a peace that never can come in any way o f our own choosing—to be able al­ ways to say, “Thy will be done.” — S e le cte d . MARCH 14 “ Thy will be done” (Matt. 26:42).

When Their Ships Went Out A rich man was down at the river front waiting the departure o f an ocean liner. He was joined by an acquaintance, who said to him, “ You seem to be much pleased about something.” “Yes,” said the man, “ I do feel un­ usually happy today. Do you see that vessel at anchor in the North River? Well, I have on that vessel ten thousand dollars’ worth o f equipment for a hospital in China, and I just came down to see the vessel safely off.” “Well, that is interesting, and I am glad you made that gift,” said the friend. “ But you know, I also have a gift on that ship. My only daughter is on that vessel, going to China to give her life as a missionary.” The wealthy man looked touchingly into the eyes o f his friend and exclaimed, “My dear brother, I feel as though I have given nothing, as I think o f what this sacrifice means to you.”— W e s l e y a n M e t h o d is t . TRACT SERVICE A REAL TRACT SERVICE. Clear four-page gospel tracts, neat but low cost. New issue weekly. Thousand» in use. WITH YOUR OWN IMPRINT (up to three lines) 500 for only $1.00 postpaid. GOSPEL FOLIO PRESS, Grand Rapids, Mieh ILLUSTRATIONS Pastors and S. S. Teachers Need Them Chemical Illustrations of Bible Truths Prepared Colors and Chemicals, harmless, ready to use with directions and helps Eight talks (with duplicate set) $1.00 Postpaid JEWISH MISSIONS SEATTLE HEBREW MISSION, 4012 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash. In all the state the only interdenomina­ tional Mission for the evangelization of the Jews: A work of faith and labor of love. DAVID T. CANT, Supt. RELIGIOUS MAGAZINES SUNLIGHT FOR THE YOUNG - 35c per year GLAD TIDINGS - - - - 35c per year W . T . M cL ean E v a n g e list Editor and Publisher 703 Fine Arts Building : Detroit, Michigan Write for free sample copies C. A. SCHM ITT 82 Summer Ave., Reading, Mass. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS

Wait a little longer. The sun which shin- eth more and more Will come to the per­ fect day. “ It is better on before.” Glory will soon be in our actual possession, much sooner than you think. Between you and heaven there may be but a step. Perhaps e’er another sun has risen on the earth, you may behold the face “o f the King in his beauty in the land that is very far off.” A t any rate, there is comfort for you; the same Lord who will give grace will also give glory. — C. H. S p u r g e o n . PROPHECY Keith L. Brooks* 24-page monthly hand-book of prophetic events. Year $1— Single Copy, Dime 2003 Addison Way, Los Angeles, Calif.

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You cannot afford to miss the interesting articles, stir­ ring editorials and profuse illustrations published each month in the REV IEW . Well-known writers familiar with the progress o f preaching the Gospel in every land and to every creature give a better understanding of the vast sub­ ject o f Missions. The REV IEW describes methods of

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