King's Business - 1932-02

Would YOU like to do a good piece of Missionary Work in your own Community? Are you willing to invest a little money and give some of your time and attention to revolutionizing the thinking of the members of your church— do you wish to see their Spiritual life transformed? I f you are interested, we have a plan that never fails — and is easy to pu t in operation. HIS is the age of the printed ■PM message. M e n and women whether old or young will hard­

story with a gripping message which lays the foundation for the teaching contained in the other two books. “In the Twinkling of an Eye“ is always to be read second in the series. This book presents the Bible teaching in relation to the Second Coming of Christ in such an attractive way that those who have never had any teach­ ing along this line get the vision, and their whole life is transformed— changed from nominal non-working Christians they become alive to God — flaming Evangels with a new vision of the world’s need and a burning passion for lost souls. The reading of the third book brings before the reader such a startling presentation of the awful condition that will pre­ vail on the earth during the reign of the Antichrist that no person com­ pleting the reading of these three books can ever drop back into the same careless, not interested condi­ tion from which he was aroused. If you wish to get your commun­ ity awakened Spiritually—-if y o u want your Church members to be­

come Evangelistic— missionary en­ thusiasts— cheerful g i v e r s— give these books an opportunity to prove that they will do all that we say they will do. The many who are not as tho r­ oughly alive Spiritually as they should be offer you the opportunity of putting this plan in operation. Quick action is demanded— is im­ perative— write today— do not wait until tomorrow. Don’t fail God.

ly give you attention long enough for you to talk to them but they will all read an attractively present­ ed, well-written story. Of all the books of definitely Chris­ tian fiction in circulation today there are none that surpass the three books by Sydney Watson, “Scarlet and Purple,“ “In the Twinkling of an Eye,“ and “The Mark of the Beast“ for the influence for good which they have had and which they are now exerting wherever they are put into circulation. Get a set of these books for every fifty families in your Church and organize a circulating library with yourself as librarian. Begin by putting these books into the hands of the careless and possibly unsaved members— enthuse them as to the in­ teresting nature of the books— see that they are read— allow two weeks for the reading of each book— begin the reading with “Scarlet and P u r­ ple“ which is a straight salvation

SCARLET AND PURPLE A gripping salvation story.. Mailing IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE The story of the return of the Lord so written

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to Two Helpful Magazines at a Money-Saving Price! Act Now—Be Glad a Whole Year! The two magazines may be ordered sent to different addresses. Again we have arranged with The Illustrator to make a combination offer so that pastors, Sunday-school teachers, and their friends may have the benefit of the saving offered by the combination. THE KING’S BUSINESS . . . $1.50 SaveSOc THE ILLUSTRATOR $1.00 $ 0 0 0 (Twelve numbers of each) —— — o a • $2*50 for the two

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For nearly half a .century The Illustrator has been accepted by all denominations as the Sunday-school worker’s magazine without a peer. Its wide and sweeping range answers every re­ quirement of the successful teacher. Ministers use it for its helpful notes and illustrations.

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NOTE— Each magazine will be mailed to subscrib­ ers direct from its own office of publication. Post­ age extra to Canada— The King’ s Business, 25 cents; The Illustrator, 12 cents. Foreign— The King’s Business, 25 cents; The Illustrator, 24 cents. Make remittances in money orders or currency (registered). Local checks not usable. Address orders to either office.

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A Whole Year

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