Biola Broadcaster - 1964-06

Word of God for ourselves for thereby alone is true spiritual growth.

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Q . Tempe, Arizona — “Do Revelation 2:17 and 3:12 mean that we receive a new name? I f so, is this the name that is in the Lamb’s Book of Life?" A. Most assuredly the answer is, “Yes!” In 3:12, “I will write upon him my new name.” In 2:17, “A new name written which no man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it.” There is a gospel song that goes, “A new name written down in glory, and it’s mine, oh, yes, it’s mine!” The name that is in the Lamb’s Book of Life is the one that you now have. The Lord will recognize you and you will recognize the Lord. Our new name will be a name that will mean fulness of God’s blessing and pleasure. Q . Tempo, Arizona — “How many books are there in which God keeps His rec­ ords?” A. In Revelation 20:11-15 it speaks of the Great White Throne Judgment where there is one Book. That is the Lamb’s Book of Life containing all the names of those who from the beginning of time have trusted Christ as Saviour. In addition, this passage indicates that there are books opened which contain an accurate reord of the deeds each of us have done. How many books there are, no one knows. There have been myriads and myriads of deeds. With His marvelous remem­ brance everything is marked down with infinite care, infinite precision, and infinite love. With our finite minds we cannot comprehend what God does in the infinite. Q . Independence, Oregon — “A minis­ ter’s wife once told me that we will not know our loved ones in heaven because it would bring back bad thoughts and there is to be no pain in heaven. I f God is So great, and we know He is, couldn’t He erase this memory from our minds so that we would only have the good things? My husband once stated that if he


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was a recent is Dr. Samuel president.

Dr. Lehman Strauss (left) speaker at Biola. With him H. Sutherland, Biola

could not know me and our family, he wasn’t sure he wanted to go to heav­ en.” A. The Lord has promised us that, “As fa r as the east is from the west, so fa r hath He removed our transgres- sions from us.” “They are buried in the depths of the sea.” “He will re­ member them against us no more for they are blotted out as a thick cloud.” Our evil deeds and thoughts are com­ pletely eliminated forever. I believe we will know our loved ones in heaven, but only in the very purest and high­ est sense. There will be no evil thoughts coming to us in heaven. The important fact in heaven is that we will see and know the Lord Jesus Christ. The love of the Lord Jesus will make human love seem like nothing. Q . Tucson, Arizona — “Is it wrong for a mother to put her family before church work?” A. No, it is not wrong for a mother to put her family before church work. It is what God has divinely ordained. The highest and noblest calling any human being can have is that of being a mother. Along with motherhood comes the responsibility of bringing up the children in the nurture and ad­ monition of the Lord. 23

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