Biola Broadcaster - 1964-06

The Psalmist said, “The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear. The Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid?” Have you ever been afraid? The Lord can deliver you from your fears just as He is adequate to forgive you of your sins. You needn’t be afraid of anyone or to fear anything. By trust­ ing in the Lord Jesus Christ, you can gain true beauty, that which is spir­ itual and which will endure for all LEND A HELPING HAND If you cannot write a volume, If you cannot write a song, Maybe you can help some person Who has suffered some great wrong; Or If someone's weak and timid Who for right should take a stand, Maybe you can give him courage If you'll lend a helping hand. This may be the thing that's needed More than money from your purse, Or a bit of criticism Which could make the person worse; Or a scorn that is unspoken, Or a harsh and stern command, As it's better in the ''long run'' Just to give a helping hand. Think it over, friend and neighbor, Were you in this person's place, How a little bit of sunshine From a kind and smiling face, Might uplift you on your journey As you travel through the land; Therefore pray and God will show you How to lend a helping hand. — Walter E. Isenhour eternity. You never need to be afraid for you can say as many of us have said; My hope is built on nothing less Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame But wholly lean on Jesus’ name. His oath, His covenant, His blood, Redeem me in the whelming flood. When all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, All other ground is sinking sand.

HOW TO PREACH An elderly country preacher was once asked how he prepared and de­ livered his sermons. He stroked his chin slowly and thoughtfully replied, “Well, first of all, I select the text. Secondly, I read the text. And finally, brother, I put in the ‘rousements.’ ” It is one thing to read the Bible, and it is another thing to proclaim it in such a way that hearts and lives are touched and desire to seek the Lord. Each week Biola students file Chris­ tian service assignment reports on which they indicate souls won to Jesus Christ, men and women or boys and girls with whom they have talked about their need of salvation, tracts and Bible portions which have been distributed, and other types of testi­ mony. This is the type of active min­ istry Biola carries on through its young people. I t would be impossible to do it without your faithful month­ ly investments as a Fellowship mem­ ber. * * * God putthechurch into the world, but thedevil is trying to put the world into the church. * * * OUR PRODUCT As children of God we have the greatest product in all the world — salvation—which costs not one penny. It is a free g ift through Jesus Christ. It is the greatest spot remover in all the world. It will wash cleaner than any soap. It will provide water that we need never thirst. It is sweeter than honey. It is the purest and most wholesome milk and contains more soul-building potential than any vita­ min-packed bread. That is why we be­ lieve that it is important to equip young people with the truths of God’s Word that they may go out and, in a dedicated zeal, reach men and women and boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ. Your monthly investments in Biola make possible this tremen­ dous ministry. We have 100 more stu­ dents this year than we did the last, and still more seeking enrollment. Thank you for writing this month. 29

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