Biola Broadcaster - 1964-06

when no ene cares

by Dr. Ralph L. Keiper

i lieveth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The statement “God so loved the world” is merely a phrase. But look at the impartiality of the love of God. He loves us all alike. God loves us as much as He loves His own dear Son. The proof of that is that He was willing to give His Son to save us. Suppose I am overcome with love and say to my wife, “I could really love you to death.” She might answer, “Well, since I’m not ready to die, would you just love me enough to help me with the dishes?” My wife is not only interested in my loving her by word, she also wants me to love her by my works. Real love will always prove itself. The guarantee of the Father’s love for you is His Son. Yet God didn’t send His Son to condemn us. We should naturally ask, “When did God love us? Was it when we were loveable?” No, thank goodness for that! He loved us when we were ene­ mies, in distress, and actually total wrecks. It is as though God had come into your house which was a wreck and in complete disorder, and set it totally in order. He loves you in spite of your condition. He loves you 32

T here are many people who go through life completely discour­ aged because they think no one cares about them. I have visited homes where the house is in absolute disor­ der. The housekeeper is exceedingly sloppy and dirty dishes can be found in the sink. Walking on the floor makes one feel that he is standing at the beach for there is so much grit. I am thankful such situations do not occur often. But on occasions when it does occur, I’m always interest­ ed to know why. Generally when I get to know the person quite well and come to the basic reason, it is because the woman of the house has lost her zest for living. She feels no one cares about her. The children dirty up their rooms, the husband throws his things around, and she never seems to be able to get ahead. The Christian, however, never needs to be driven to such des­ peration. The purpose for ministries such as Biola is to show you that the Lord Jesus Christ cares for you and that He proved His care for you by dying on the cross for your sins. This is the message of John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever be-

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