Biola Broadcaster - 1964-06

You may travel the sea of life without Christ, but then, what about the landing? * * * * "Horse sense" comes from having a stable mind. * * * What this country needs is not new deals, fair deals or even square deals, but ideals! THE GREATER FOOL It is certainly true that there is no greater fool than the one who fools himself. Legend tells of a king’s clev­ er jester who had endlessly enter­ tained his sovereign. In payment, the monarch presented him with a staff declaring, “When you find a man who is a greater fool than yourself, give this to him.” Not too many months later the king became so iU that his subjects thought he was going to die. In an attempt for recovery the potentate summoned his jester once more. This time he told him, “I ’m going on a long journey from which I will never return." The jester asked him, “Have you gone this way before?" “Of course not,” the impatient king responded. “No man has twice traveled the road which I must take.” “Have you made the necessary preparations?” insisted the jester. There was a pause and then the king sadly admitted, “No, I haven’t had time for it; there have been too many other things to care for." The jester shook his head and commiserated with the ailing man, “Poor soul, here’s the staff you told me to give to the man who should turn out to be a greater fool than I. Oh king, you are that man.” 0 what a fool, hard the word but true, I f I reject Jesus with death in view. Doom is thy sentence His lips shall say, For squandering time and salvation’s day. People who drive when they drink are putting the quart before the hearse. * * * Kindness is the oil that takes the friction out of life. 35

Biola students Sharon (Warkentin) H ilts (center) and George Jones talk with Biola Student Counselor Terry Rose. Mr. Rose was blinded during the Korean conflict while fighting on “Porkchop H ill.” derscores it all by reference to his own experience, stating that he has stood the loss and found the gain and is more than delighted with the re­ sults. To Paul, Christ makes all the difference in the world. No one who has laid down all things for Christ ever seems dissatis­ fied with the exchange. On the con­ trary, those who have done so seem possessed of a joy unknown to oth­ ers. A missionary with more than forty years of experience in China was speaking once to a small group gathered in the midweek Service of prayer. He had been talking about the incident in Simon’s home at Beth­ any when Mary anointed the Saviour with her costly ointment. The break­ ing of the alabaster flask symbolized an utterness of devotion which gave wings to the Word. “There are some Christians,” he said, “who do not know what it is to give their all for Christ.” His eyes grew moist, “But I think I do, and I am sorry for those who don’t.” They were the ones who had missed the greater gain.

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