Biola Broadcaster - 1964-06

I n G od ’ s W ord we have many beauti­ ful pictures of the Lord Jesus Christ. One of them is, “In Him was life and the life was the light of men” (John 1:8). Then in a comparison, John speaks of John the Baptist and says, “He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light: that was the true Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by Him, and the world knew Him not” (John 1:9, 10). Have you ever thought of the vari­ eties of life there are? Every animal lives a different kind of life. So it is with people in all parts of the world. All of these things were created by the Lord. The only place to find eter­ nal life is through Him. When one trusts the Saviour he receives the life of God. It cannot be manufactured by industry or brought about through classrooms of higher learning. It is a free gift from God. No one can make a pig live like a sheep. It can’t be taught to stay out of the mud puddle. You can put a fence around it, but it doesn’t remove its true nature. So it is with salva­ tion. Many seem falsely to think that it is merely reformation that is neces­ sary. Eternal life, however, comes only from the Saviour. Do you know that when eels have their babies they go from all places of the earth down into a deep place in the ocean between Jamaica and Cuba? After the babies are born they go back home. Each goes back to his own native area. Who knows how this is possible? Who educated them to do

this? They were made by God Him­ self and given these instincts. Inter­ estingly, the babies don’t go back with their parents. But when they are big enough they do. They go right to the spot from which their parents first came. God gives each eel that kind of a life. There are no road signs beneath the surface of- the ocean. No one can adequately explain life. How is it that after the little wren builds a nest in the backyard she dis­ appears for the winter. After her mi­ gration she returns right to the very spot from which she had gone with more accuracy than the modern meth­ ods of radar. As we think of the many illustra­ tions of animals we also consider the Christian. Are we living the type of life synonomous with the term? You can be a nice, sweet, lovely, beautiful, precious, polished person, but still not have eternal life. These are not neces­ sarily the marks of eternal life. The basic question is: Do you love the Lord Jesus because He saved you? That should be natural. You don’t have to work love up. You will sing with no hypocrisy, “My Jesus I love thee, I know Thou a rt mine.” You will be singing around the kitchen, “He is so precious to me.” Or, as a business­ man, at the desk where you work, you may hum to yourself, “Christ Jesus is Lord of all. Crown Him Lord of all!” Another mark of a real Christian is that he wants to see other people saved. You realize that your neigh­ bors, friends, business associates and others may be lost and going into the outer darkness forever u n d e r the 4

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