05 06 Although an abundant social and romantic life does not guarantee joy, it does have a massive impact on our Invest time in friends
Pause in life
There are times when we need the time to unwind or decompress. Time keeps on going at its own pace, which might not always be the pace we would choose. Fatigue, stress, and exhaustion may begin to settle in on us faster than we think or notice. The best way is to pause and think and review and then plan.
happiness. Learn to spend time with your friends and make friendships a priority in your life. Smile with them, celebrate with them, learn from them, uplift them, and be with them when they need you.
07 Be a smiley
08 Set goals
Sometimes we have to fake it until we make it. I am not suggesting that we not be honest, real, or authentic, but sometimes we just need to put on a happy face and keep moving forward. Researchers claim that smiling and looking like we are happy will indeed make us happier. Studies further show that if we act like we are in a good mood, then we can experience greater joy and inner peace in our lives.
The absence of goals in our lives, or more specifically avoiding to pursue our dreams, makes us feel stuck. The pursuit of goals in our personal lives in our relationships or with our careers is the difference between having a mediocre life or a life full of passion and enthusiasm, pursue your goals and watch your happiness soar.
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