December Edition 2020 | BGN

However, in some cases, it can be very rewarding, and there is evidence that adopting such a lifestyle leads to weight loss (15). But you don’t necessarily have to go vegetarian or vegan and stop eating meat forever if you want to shed a couple of pounds. For such cases, there is a special no meat diet for 30 days which may be a great option if you are considering going vegetarian or vegan, and may use this experience as an initiation phase for easier integration in those diets in the future, or just want to experience some of the benefits of cutting out meat for some time. Read on to find out more about the health benefits of meat, no meat diet for 30 days results, and no meat diet plan for 30 days.

No meat diet for 30 days is a month-long nutrition plan that excludes the consumption of meat. Unlike previously mentioned vegetarian and vegan diets, a no meat diet for 30 days allows you to eat fish and animal-source products, such as eggs, dairy products, honey, and others, which makes it more sustainable and balanced. You need to make sure that throughout the whole course of this diet you consume a proper amount of protein, as meat is one of the main sources of that macronutrient in your regular diet. No meat diet plan for 30 days includes calorie restriction, which depends on your initial energy requirements. You can calculate how many calories you require daily with this calories burned calculator. After that, subtract about 500 calories from that number, to get the number of calories that you can consume in order to lose weight healthily. This weight loss pace will allow you to shed 1-2 pounds (0.45-1 kg) a week (4), adding up to around 4-8 pounds (2-4 kg) a month. What Is A No Meat Diet For 30 Days?

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