Hola Sober Sunday

Editor's note

Dear Sober Queens,

Welcome to the wonderful world that is 2023 on my morning calendar. I was not sorry to see the old year leave as it brought with it many challenges and I think my step feels somewhat lighter this morning as I embrace the possibility of a new day. I am not into resolutions or fancy word goals for the new year and wholeheartedly love the words sent to me by Lynn, our Aussie Host Leader who like me, is a fan of Donna Ashworth ❤️ " Why do we start a new year, with promises to improve? Who began this tradition of never-ending pressure? I say the end of a year should be filled with congratulation, for all we survived. And I say a new year should start with promises to be kinder to ourselves, to understand better just how much we bear, as humans on this exhausting treadmill of life. And if we are to promise more, let’s pledge to rest, before our bodies force us. Let’s pledge to stop, and drink in life as it happens. Let’s pledge to strip away a layer of perfection to reveal the flawed and wondrous humanity we truly are inside. Why start another year, gifted to us on this earth, with demands on our already over-strained humanity. When we could be learning to accept, that we were always supposed to be imperfect. And that is where the beauty lives, actually. And if we can only find that beauty, we would also find peace. I wish you peace in 2023. Everything else is all just a part of it. Let it be so." - Donna Ashworth I hope the morning finds you well and I ask you to please join me as we look skyward and join the dawn sober chorus as we say not today lady, not today.

Lots of love,

Susan Christina Creamer EDITOR + PUBLISHER

Susan Christina Creamer

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