Hola Sober Sunday

The Year in Tarot

Any tarot card reader would be well within their rights to include a disclaimer and throw their cards up in the air and say. “Who the hell knows what will happen next.” 2021 has been that kind of year. Where are we heading in 2022? Well, I think it is safe to say the world will keep spinning and the sun will come up tomorrow. Let’s keep the happy little tune from the musical Anne “There’s always tomorrow” in our heads while we take a peek.


It is a time of contemplation. Many people I’ve talked to in the last month have said they have had real turning points in their lives over the last year. It’s as if the forced isolation has helped us to look inward. While this has not always been fun, it has certainly been insightful if we are willing to be present and not look away from what we see. The figure in the 4 of Swords is not sleeping, but rather considering past actions and taking time to absorb what he has learned to apply to future campaigns. Be analytical. Winter is a time to plan and start taking disciplined steps that require patience and time. There is a quiet satisfaction in these activities. Learn to enjoy achievements that don’t require an audience. Use the dark of winter wisely.


It is a time of contemplation. Many people I’ve talked to in the last month have said they have had real turning points in their lives over the last year. It’s as if the forced isolation has helped us to look inward. While this has not always been fun, it has certainly been insightful if we are willing to be present and not look away from what we see. The figure in the 4 of Swords is not sleeping, but rather considering past actions and taking time to absorb what he has learned to apply to future campaigns. Be analytical. Winter is a time to plan and start taking disciplined steps that require patience and time. There is a quiet satisfaction in these activities. Learn to enjoy achievements that don’t require an audience. Use the dark of winter wisely.


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