Folleto Master en Inteligencia Artificial y Ciencia de D…


Big Data & Business Analytics


Daniel Burrueco Business Intelligence & Machine Learning Consultant

Miguel García Experto Análisis Big Data TELEFÓNICA

Iván Pastor Risk Independent Review and Control of IRB Models BNP PARIBAS

Bartolomé Manobel Data Scientist - Technical Leader INDIZEN - SCALIAN SPAIN

Jose Novo Data scientist & data analytics O2 ESPAÑA

Carlos Santana Machine Learning Educator. Owner of the AI/ML educational Youtube channel DotCSV

Mario Renau Lead Data Engineer ALSTOM

Rus María Mesas Data Scientist TELEFÓNICA

José Arcos Data Engineer & Data Scientist

José Luis Calvo Director Inteligencia Artificial SNGULAR


Sergio Couto Senior Cloud & Data Engineer ADEVINTA SPAIN

Rafael Zambrano Head of Applied Science OPENBANK

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