Hamish Blakely | iMasterpiece

I Need A Hero (Homage to Stan Lee)

There is a mystical painting by Luis Ricardo Falero called ‘La Sorciere’ painted in 1882 which got me thinking about a dreaming damsel. I love the pose of her body in his painting with that elegant twist and her arm falling backward as she clasps what looks like an opium pipe of some description. I have taken this beautiful figure and suggested that in her reverie, she is calling out for a hero.  At the time of painting this piece, the world learned of Stan Lee’s passing.To personally celebrate the Marvel creator I had to have his Bruce Banner alter ego looming out of the mist in response to the woman’s summoning.  When the idea of the Hulk came to mind, I started looking at other reference. I was pointed towards Goya’ ‘The Colossus’. One of his most

famous paintings, my green giant needed to possess a similar presence.This explains the vaporous atmosphere from which he emerges. It also reflects Falero’s painting and the woman’s dreamlike state. The Hulk is the modern element in this otherwise classical piece. I could have added other items of contemporary culture but I felt this painting did not need it. It is all about her and him.The Hulk is all the modern culture you need in this painting.

Oil on Canvas | 122cm x 97cm

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