Spring 2022 In Dance


to remain empty at all times, an effervescent palimpsest (or love letter) for the heart

Our bodies are mirroring the body of the Earth and the Earth in turn mirrors the pathways and forces of the Universe. Each cell of our bodies is a miniscule fractal of this much larger picture, containing within its struc- tures a reflection of the macro ecosystems that make our lives on this planet possible. We are interminably moving within a series of spirals and concentric circles whether we can tune into these perceptual shifts and move- ments or not. What happens in one part of the system (or body), directly impacts another aspect of that same system (or body). What are the implications of being so deeply entangled with one another? What does this mean about boundaries? How can we use this quantum under- standing to leverage the power of our differences instead of using them to become more polarized? And yet even polarization is necessary in the process of evolution we find ourselves in. What benefit does polarization pro- vide? I believe in ___________. My voice matters. I mat- ter. In order to understand our limitations, sometimes we must drift into and out of extremes. And extreme pres- sure is what precious stones need in order to step more fully into their true form, shape, and nature. Each one of us, a unique vessel, a unique stone, vibrating at a unique frequency, imprinted with a divine purpose to breathe and be. Be in joy, in pleasure, in love.

growing up feeling islanded. This resonates with my nomadic spirit that has been in search of a new home base for a while. It’s funny the way being in the thick of the search creates blindspots to what has been right in front of me the whole time. I was talking with a friend, Alexis, at the beginning of the pandemic and we both shared that shifting into an even more isolated state due to the pandemic actu- ally felt like the rest of the world was catching up to where we had already been. I was in awe and struck by the unified choreography of the entire globe shutting down, slowing down, and moving into becoming islanded. Islands of grief, loss, trans- mutation, surrender, mutual care, heart break, being mirrored room by room, country by country. We are and will continue to mirror one another. What are the through-lines and unifying forces at play? In Lak’ech. Birth. Death. Rebirth. In conversation with another friend, day, they men- tioned that the apocalypse we are facing now has been going on for hundreds and hundreds of years. I agree. Those of us with bloodlines that extend into multiple diasporas continue shadow dancing and tender wrestling with our various selves. How do we bring and invite these disparate parts home and into a cohesive whole? Our people have already been through this before so how do we source into their wisdom and resilience? Why does this pattern of oppression continue to repeat itself? What has not yet been integrated from this pattern? What core wound lies at the root? What need remains unmet? And are we ready, individually and collectively, to divest from these patterns and give them the space that they need to transmute? Are you ready to let go of the identities you hold so dearly and close to your heart as a gateway for remembering who you really are? How did our people not see this coming and how were our own people involved in perpetuating the cycle of trauma, violence, and oppression? What function, desire, and need is served/met by those oppressing? Are we subconsciously agreeing to being oppressed? How do we rupture the systemic infra- structures that are in place tying the bow of Man- ifest Destiny together? And how can we conjure another way, the old way, the way of pre-colonial magic (without romanticizing this time) and know- ing that this magic is right here in front of all of us, and within us, hidden in plain sight?

Where is home? Home is where the heart is. And where is the heart? At the center of the Earth.

Center. Core. Center. Core Center. Core.

Suddenly, a channel appears. A channel with several nodes and receptors located within and outside of the body.

You have to make a choice on how you’d like to enter the space.


Go with your gut. Always.

What if? What if? What if I just spent time strengthening my imagination and my relationship to my inner child?

Thank You:

Water. Air. Animal & Plant Beings. Gravity. Celestial Bodies. My Constellation of Care. Our Ancestors and ourselves as Future Ancestors. Without their effort, I would not be here today writing these words or perhaps I would be, but in a different form, language, tone. II. “To be islanded” are lyrics that stand out from a recent Moses Sumney track I was listening to, where Sumney’s guest, Taiye Selasi, speaks about the experience of


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SPRING 2022 in dance 53




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In Dance | May 2014 | dancersgroup.org

u n i f y s t r e n g t h e n amp l i f y u n i f y s t r e n g t h e n a p l i f y

44 Gough Street, Suite 201 San Francisco, CA 94103 www.dancersgroup.org

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