

Weird and durable “I like weird things,” says Steve Barron, of Hawkesbury, ex- plaining his attrac- tion to machines such as this 1977 SnoJet snowmobile, a blend of an all- terrain vehicle and a more conventional snow sled. Barron was among the many enthusi- asts taking part in an antique snowmo- bile rally held Sun- day at the Vankleek Hill fairgrounds as part of the annual winter carnival. At right, Jean-Luc Ménard, of Vankleek Hill takes his 1979 Kawasaki snowmo- bile for a spin. While the vintage machines capped off the Vankleek Hill festivitiies, L’Orignal prepares for its car- nival this weekend.

Photos Richard Mahoney

De 9 h à 18 h 30


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