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Support Group
A part of what we do also involves the rather intangible, certainly unmeasurable work that goes on almost unnoticed. Whether it’s answering questions, giving access to resources, or simply taking the time to pick up the telephone for a chat with somebody going through treatment. For 8 years our Support Group has been led by the magnificent Maggie Swaden, ably assisted by husband Reg (also magnificent by the way!). However, all great things must come to an end and Maggie will be stepping down at the end of the year. In thanking them and their committee for all their hard work, I would like to flag up the fact that we will be further developing the reach of the Support Group. We are holding a steering meeting at the Stokes Centre in December, the purpose of which is to discuss the needs of the group and how we can help deliver it…as well as the small matter of ‘replacing’ Maggie, wish us luck with that one! If you would be interested in learning more about the group, and how you might become involved, please email, call or write to us, you will find all our contact details on the back page of this newsletter. I cannot thank Maggie and the committee enough for all their hard work, quite simply they make people’s lives better.
The Prostate Project is a charity close to my heart, recently it was my great pleasure to record one or two simple messages of support and thanks to the extraordinary NHS staff that work so hard, not just at the Royal Surrey, but across the county and beyond. I also recorded a message to wives, mums, aunties, daughters and sisters, in fact to all women that have men in their lives, because it often falls to us to cajole our menfolk into action, especially when it comes to medical matters. Please, if you do nothing else after reading this message, could you ask them to visit their GP to talk about prostate cancer, the test to highlight any problems is not what it used to be, these days it is just a very simple blood sample, taken from the arm…so don’t listen to any excuses, music hall jokes, or day I say it ‘old-wives tales’. A message from Felicity Kendal, Patron
The Prostate Project, Stokes Centre for Urology, Royal Surrey County Hospital, Egerton Road, Guildford GU2 7XX
Tell them that I said if they want a Good Life, Get Tested!
Lots of love, Felicity Tel: 01483 406870 Registered Charity No. 1078523
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