38A — February 10 - 23, 2012 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
Central, Delaware Valley & Lehigh Valley 2012 National Engineers Week announces Award recipients
ENTRAL, PA— Hugh V. Archer, Ph.D., P.E., DEE, F. ASCE
receive the 2 012 Young En- gineer of the Year Award . Melody is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Section of the In- stitute of Transportation Engi- neers, Intelligent Transporta- tion Society of Pennsylvania, and the American Society of Highway Engineers. She is employed with McCormick Taylor, Inc. Jerry F. Shoup, Ph.D. has been selected by the Central Pennsylvania Engineers Week Council to receive the 2012 Technical Achievement ing Council, and life member of IEEE. He is currently a consulting electrical engineer and Vice President of J and P Engineers, P.A. a full service MEP and FP engineering firm with offices in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Chris Wi l l iams , EIT, LEED AP has been selected to receive the award for LVP- SPEYoung Engineer of the Year . Chris is the Secretary of
Award . Jerry is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and is employed with Penn State Harrisburg - Capital College. Charles S. Merris, Jr., P.E., C.E.M. has been select- ed by the Central Pennsylva- nia Engineers Week Council to receive the 2012 John H. McCormick Educational Outreach Award . Charles is a member of the American Institute of Chemical Engi- neers and employed with P.H. Glatfelter Company. ■ the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the PASociety of Professional Engineers (LV PSPE) and is the volunteer coordinator for the 2012 Mathcounts Com- petition. He joined the Civil Engineering Department of Barry Isett & Associates (BIA) in 2007, and has been a key team member on scores of projects for many of BIA’s long-term and high profile clients. ■
has been selected by the Cen- tral Pennsylvania Engineers Week Council to receive the 2012 Engineer of the Year Award . Hugh is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and is employed with Mavickar Environmen- tal Consultants, Inc. Melody A. Matter, P.E., PTOE has been selected by the Central Pennsylvania Engineers Week Council to
Delaware Valley & Delaware County 2012 Announcements ValleyYoung Engineer of the Year Award . Catherine is ac- tive in the American Society of Civil Engineers, a member of the American Society of High- way Engineers and the Engi- neers Club of Philadelphia and is an assistant project manager in the transportation depart- ment at Michael Baker Jr., Inc. in Horsham, PA. ment of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering. He feels it is extremely im- portant for engineers “to have a well-rounded and grounded education,” After all, according to Martin, “engineering logic means anything can be accom- plished.” LEHIGH VALLEY, PA — Joseph B. McCarthy, PE has been selected to receive the award for LVPSPE 2012 Engineer of the Year . Joe is a member and past president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional Engineers, a member of the Order of the Engineer, past Chairman and current board member of Lehigh Valley Engineer- Lehigh Valley announces 2012 Engineer Awards
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DELAWARE VALLEY, PA — Timothy H. Haahs, P.E., AIA, President of Timothy Haahs &Associates, Inc. (Tim- Haahs), has been selected by the area engineering and technical societies as the 2012 Delaware Valley Engineer of the Year . He is an active member of the American In- stitute of Architects, American PlanningAssociation, Institute for Transportation Engineers and National Parking Associa- tion and is the President and CEO of TimHaahs. Catherine Golata Farrell, PE has been selected by the area engineering and technical societies as the 2012 Delaware
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The Delaware County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Society of Professional En- gineers announced ThomasA. Caramanico has been select to receive the 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award for his 40 years of service and influence in the engineering community. Tom joinedMcCormick Taylor in 1972 as a bridge engineer. ■
Joseph P. Martin, PE, PhD has been selected to receive the Delaware County Chap- ter 2012 Engineer of the Year . “Doc” Martin, as he is affectionately called, has been stressing the “big picture” to his students the past 29 years at Drexel University’s Depart-
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Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal would like to congratulate The 2012 National Engineering Week Award Recipients If you would like to receive information on upcoming Engineering Spotlights call Elaine Fanning:
5925 Stevenson Ave, Suite A Harrisburg, Pa 1711-1794 Phone (717) 540-9925 Fax (717) 540-9926 www.mavickar.com RECEIVE THE CENTRAL PA’S “ 2012 ENGINEER OF THE YEAR AWARD”
(800) 584-1062/781-871-5298 Ext. 212 or email: efanning@marejournal.com
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