50A — February 10 - 23, 2012 — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
1100 East Hector Street, Suite 393 Conshohocken, PA 19428 Phone/Fax: 610-238-9950 / 610-238-9959 E-Mail: tristate@tristaterca.com Website: www.tristaterca.com
President Greg J. Ellis Patterson Woods Commercial
DISON, NJ — TriState REALTORS Commer- cial Alliance, a leading Program designed to help NJ Brokers meet new qualifications for license renewal TriState REALTORS Comml. Alliance launches The Commercial Real Estate School of NJ E
onMarch 14 with a Crash Course in CREEthics and Land Use. The four-hour NJ MCE course will be broken down into two hours of core requirement topics (Ethics, also approved for theNARCode of Ethics quadrennial requirement) and two hours of elective topics (Land Use). Led by instructors Gregory J. West, SIOR, GREEN, of West Corporate Partners, LLC teaching Ethics, and Gary S. Forshner, Esq., of Stark & Stark Attorneys at Law teaching Land Use, the course will be held at Ibis Plaza, 3525 Quakerbridge Road, Hamilton Township, NJ Registration and networking breakfast will begin at 7:30 a.m., with the course to be held from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. While there is no cost for commercial REALTORS to enroll for this course, all other brokers and agents must be a guest of a commercial REAL- TORS member. Space is limited to 50 attendees. Founded in 1993, the TriState REALTORS Commercial Alli- ance is a leading advocate for commercial real estate profes- sionals in New Jersey, Delaware and Southeastern Pennsylvania. TriState operates The Commer- cial Real Estate School of New Jersey, which focuses on continu- ing education, creating an oppor- tunity to network and presenting industry-oriented seminars. TriState seeks to advance the financial well being, industry stature, and professional growth of each member. The group also speaks as a unified voice on leg- islative and community issues, promotes ethical standards of conduct and provides special- ized mediation and arbitration services relative to the needs of its members. ■
now requiring brokers to complete 12 hours of continuing education by July of 2013, many brokers are seeking an organization that offers classes specifically geared toward the commercial real estate industry,” said Jonathan Glick, TriState’s New Jersey Vice President. “TriState’s Commer- cial Real Estate School of New Jersey will provide numerous educational offerings that have been uniquely designed to fulfill the Real Estate Commission’s requirements. We understand exactly what brokers are looking for in terms of continuing educa- tion and have tailored the school’s program to meet those needs.” The Commercial Real Estate School of New Jersey will debut on February 28 with Cost Seg- regation For The Commercial Broker. Led by instructor Jerry H. Kootman, CPA, of Cost Recov- ery Solutions, LLC, the course will provide attendees with a comprehensive tutorial on how to use cost segregation analysis to help create more value for their client base. The three-hour NJ Mandatory Continuing Educa- tion (MCE) elective course will be held at the New Jersey Expo Center, 97 Sunfield Avenue in Edison, N.J. A $75 value, enroll- ment for this special event is free for TriState members and $25 for all other members of the com- mercial real estate community. Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. and will coincide with a breakfast sponsored and hosted by Summit Associates, Inc. The course will be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Space is limited to 70 attendees. In addition, TriState will bring The Commercial Real Estate School of New Jersey to Hamilton
advocate and p r o v i d e r o f c o n t i n u i n g education for c o mm e r c i a l r e a l e s t a t e practitioners in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware,
Jonathan Glick
announced the launch of The Commercial Real Estate School of New Jersey. Differentiating itself by offering courses specific to the topics of most importance to the business of today’s com- mercial real estate market, The Commercial Real Estate School of New Jersey is designed to help brokers meet the state’s newly established qualifications for license renewal. In order to qualify for renewal or to reinstate a license, the New Jersey Real Estate Com- mission now requires that every broker, salesperson or broker- salesperson complete 12 hours of continuing education by July 1, 2013. Utilizing a model that has proved to be successful in Pennsylvania and Delaware, TriState’s New Jersey school will offer specialized courses that fall within the core and elective topics required by the state. Course topics include: •Crash Course in CRE Ethics and Land Use •Cost Segregation For The Commercial Broker •Sustainability in Commercial Real Estate and Office Leasing •Supply and Demand in a Recovering Market “With the State of New Jersey
To sign up for either class or to learn more about TriState’s school for commercial real estate professionals, please call The Commercial Real Estate School Director Elvira Illiano-Trovato at 610-238-9070 or email eilliano@tristaterca.com For additional information, please visit tristaterca.com
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