30B — February 10 - 23, 2012 — Property Management — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal
By Trish Faidiga, Advantage Property Management: Setting the Temperature
t’s an age-old property management dilemma: a building full of humans
a building owner control any given situation. When she/he brings their EQ (Emotional Quotient)– an energy I know from experience is uplifting and inspiring—it’s conta- gious. Why does it work like that? How come one person’s mood can be so infectious to the people around them? Because, as humans, we’re actually wired for it. Did you know that emotion stimulates the human mind 3000 times faster than ratio- nal thought does? That means that a sales suggestion that pulls at the emotional strings, i.e., “Your clients will love coming see your fabulous new digs,” or, “These high ceilings will help your team feel really creative,” connect with your prospect’s mind more quickly and probably more deeply than things that are logical (like the rent). Emotions are just like germs – they’re very easy to spread.
In fact, a study done at the University of Chicago found that it takes mere MILISEC- ONDS to spread an emotion from one person to the next, and that it often happens without any conscious realiza- tion as to what happened. Humans naturally sync and mimic other people’s facial expressions, posture, body language and speech pat- terns during conversations. It stems from a psychological need for acceptance and to fit in with a group. The emo- tional exchange is even con- nected to charged words that we use, like hate, worthless, love, anger, sad, excitement, and crazy. This makes your voice, and your ability to remain en- thusiastic one of your most powerful management tools. As Henry Chester said, “En- thusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money,
power AND influence.” That’s why, at Advantage, we focus on our Property Manager’s having an enthu- siastic voice and an upbeat attitude. Because we know that a positive attitude is one
that can spread through a building even more quickly than mud on the carpet Trish is president and owner of Advantage Build- ing & Facility Services. ■
wi th vary- i ng l e v e l s of “normal” b o dy t em- pe r a t ur e s . Sometimes, a property m a n a g e r feels like all they do all
FourRCPManagementmanagers receive ARM designation
MONROE, NJ — Four RCP Management Company’s prop- erty managers received Insti- tute of Real Estate Manage- ment’s (IREM) distinguished ARM (Accredited Residential Manager) designation. Ob- taining the designation re- quired taking a 6-day course, completing an application, taking an exam, gathering referral letters, testimonials and even an interview. They were presented with their certifications by Mary Faith Nugiel, president of RCP Management Co. It was a very proud event for RCP! RCP congratulations:
• Gail Graham - North Jersey Region • Joan Yanacone - Corporate Region • MaryAnn Calogera - Corpo- rate Region • Richard Nelson - Corporate Region RCP Management Co., this year’s “Accredited Manage- ment Organization (AMO) of the Year, 2011”, is headquar- tered in Monroe with a second office in Elmwood Park, NJ. RCP has a staff of over 60 pro- fessionals (including regional managers, multi-site manag- ers, site managers, customer service and accounting. ■
Trish Faidiga
day is talk about the weath- er—in the building, that is. However, Property Managers really do “set the tempera- ture” in the building on a daily basis—but in a much different way. They set the tone. They set the style. They are the influential fulcrum. In the world of commercial office rentals, it’s one of the key roles of the Property Manager—both literallyAND figuratively. AProperty Man- ager’s emotional state can be an enormous ally in helping
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