NEWSLETTER February 2020
INSIDE: How to Avoid Surgery After a Sports Injury Don’t Let Pain Keep You on the Sidelines AROUND THE CLINIC:
You’re invitedtoourfree online Shoulder Pain and Strengthening Video Course ! Askyourphysical therapistandvisit: membership-access-free
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KNEE INJURIES: According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,thekneeisthemostcommonly injured joint. Orthopedic surgeons see morethan5.5millionpeopleannuallyfor knee injuries,whichcan includerunner’s knee (pain or tenderness close to the knee cap at the front side of the knee), tendonitisand iliotibialbandsyndrome (pain on the outer side of the knee). Severeknee injuriesoften includebone bruises or damage to the cartilage or ligaments. SHINSPLINTS: Shinsplintsoccurwhen there is a pain along the large bone in the front of the lower leg, known as the tibia or shin bone. Shin splints most commonly occur in runners, especially those who are just starting a running program. This is usually due to poor alignment of the body, or weakness in the leg muscles.
Sports injuries in this article will be definedasinjuriestothemusculoskeletal system, including muscles, bones and tissues such as cartilage. The most common sports injuries include: SPRAINS: A sprain occurs when the connective tissue that joins the end of the bone with another is stretched or torn. Those connective tissues are known as ligaments. Sprains are causedbytraumasuchasafallorblow to the body that knocks a joint out of position. Ankles, knees and wrists are most vulnerable to sprains. However, back, neck and shoulder sprains are very common too. STRAINS: A strain occurs when a muscle or tendon is pulled, torn or twisted. Strains are non-contact injuries, such as those that occur from overstretching. A common example of a strain is a muscle spasm. A back or neck strain is a very common injury treated in physical therapy.
OurPT,Dr.Karl Rush,performing aShoulder Mobilization.
Dr. Karl Rush explaining Forward Head Posture and how to correct it.
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