Agencies wi l l be di rected to review :
Pol icies that undermine protections for people with pre - existing conditions , including compl ications related to COVID -19; ( Critical since some of these compl ications can be long - term or l ifelong ). Demonstrations and waivers under Medicaid and the ACA that may reduce coverage or undermine the programs , including work requirements ; Pol icies that undermine the Health Insurance Marketplace or other markets that sel l health insurance ;
Pol icies that make it more difficult to enrol l in Medicaid and the Affordable Health care Act ; and
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Pol icies that reduce the affordabi l ity of coverage or financial assistance , including for dependents . This is important because many people think of chi ldren and col lege - age adults only as dependents but this could be an adult chi ld that is permanently disabled that you take care of .
These timely steps could provide additional coverage for mi l l ions of uninsured Americans . Some of whom may qual ify for free or subsidized health insurance .
As a cancer patient , you real ize the cost of healthcare . Having qual ity care and affordable care can be what al lows you to be proactive in your healthcare with your healthcare team to stay on your treatment plan as wel l as to mitigate and prevent financial toxicity . Whi le thinking about these opportunities , don ’ t forget to consider your current insurance plan if you are enrol led in a Medicare Supplement , Medicare Advantage , or employer plan . Review with your healthcare providers to find out if your treatment may change . Then inquire if the costs are going to change as a result of medication changes or treatment faci l ities ? Or perhaps you anticipate retiring before Medicare age or going on disabi l ity . Perhaps you are already on disabi l ity and wi l l be completing the 2- year mark and can go on Medicare . Now is the time to review your options before the enrol lment period expires .
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